I know it seems that I have once again *poofed* into nowhere land and left my previous posts in lala land. That is not so, my dear people! X3<br>These <span style="font-style:italic"><span style="font-weight:bold">stupid </span></span>laptops (and people) at this school are poofing and causing lots O drama in my life...but that's not my purpose for making this post..No! My purpose is to say, "I finally got myself a rodent!" <br><br>This is <a href="
http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e94/Kissy1/All Pets/FILE0439.jpg" target="_blank" class="bb-url">Miss Jingles</a>.<br><br>Sure my new pet's fat, but she came from a home that didn't know how to care for small pets (or ANY for that matter). I'm glad to have saved her! ^^<br><br>Her (Miss Jingles') story: <br><br><ul class="bb-list-unordered">A girl decided she wanted pet mice. She went to the petstore, the pet guy said, "here, let me get these mice for you." after she selected the ones she wanted. He grabbed both mice by the ends of the tail and told the girl, "This is the right way to grab them up." The girl took her two mice (one white the other brown/white/tan and placed them into a tank filled with little micey toys and tubs. She had a place for the food and a bottle for the water. What she didn't have was the <span style="font-style:italic">funds </span>to keep buying the food..SO! <br>One day, after a week or more of not putting ANY food into the mice's home (not even a bread crumb). She noticed that (when she pulled the tank out of her closet in which she'd shoved her mice) one of her mice were dead (white one) and the other seemed to be gnawing on it (Miss Jingles). <br>Whoa as her! She got her mother to throw the dead mouse out and then made sure to feed...and feed..and FEED Miss's Jingles. When I finally came to pick up this mouse, I noticed that she was somewhat fat and asked the girl why? <br>"I don't want to starve this one to death." Was her answer. Of course the next thing I noticed was that the water bottle had absolutely NO water in it (guess she'd planed to dehydrate this one to death!)... so we took less than a minute to put some in it, whereupon Miss's Jingles quickly ran to it and proceeded to drink. That same day I took the mouse to the dorm with me.<br></ul><br><br>Now I have a new pet mouse! She's sweet, active and has a silly name. She's also kinda chubby, but lovable all the same. ^^<br><br>I can't STAND people that go out and buy animals when they don't know how to care for them. I know the girl meant no harm in owning them (she really did love her mice) it's just that she didn't have time to take care of them and didn't do all the research required. The fact that she shoved them into a closet when she couldn't feed them pisses me off though. She could have at least put a loaf of bread or something in with them. GEEZE. I'm surprised they didn't die of thirst, come to think of it...<br>(Side Story:)<br><br><ul class="bb-list-unordered">As most of you all know, I own two cockatiels--Pinkey and Kissy, so when I found out that they had a parakeet in a room near loud speakers that shook the whole house, I went to see it. <br>OMFG. NEVER do they need to own birds! They'd also started out with two of these, one ended up dying because they'd allowed a kid to come in and scare the bird into a freaking seizure (as so they say.. I personally think they starved it to death and allowed the other bird to harass it to death). <br>The other was left quite sadly alive in a filthy cage with little to no food available (the little dish only allowed a few seed pellets to fall for the bird to reach and eat because of the type they were feeding it. It was slowly starving). <br>The first thing I did was ask if I could clean the cage (which I did) and the water bowl located on the bottom of the cage where it could collect all kinds of matter and feces (that no one wanted to touch). <br>That cage was spotless when I was done! I of course told them the proper way of cleaning the cage (not that they'd do it). I also told them that the seeds they were feeding the bird weren't right for the birds size and wasn't right for the size of the dish they were using. (Common. Sense. Knowledge!)<br>What surprised me the most was when (after I'd cleaned the water bowl on the bottom of the cage and told them the bird needed CLEAN drinking water) the mother told me, with all due knowledge, that birds did not drink water at all.... She told me that the discovery channel had said that, NO bird needs water and that the water dish on the bottom of the cage was for....decoration? bathing? I have no idea, seeing as she didn't say! I QUICKLY told her that Yes, they do in fact drink and NEED water to survive like ALL pets and that I knew for a fact because I'd seen my own birds drinking. I pounded this information into her head so she wouldn't end up killing the bird through lack of hyrdation before I was able to save it. <br><br></ul><br>MY GOSH! Where do people learn this crap!? Don't Drink Water!? My dear VPians... ALL animals need water in some way or another.<br><br>I plan to come back for that bird too, as I have a home waiting for it. <br>They seemed taken aback that I was showing so much interest in their pets.. I told them that I'm an animal lover and that if they needed any help caring for any other creature they bring into their lives, I'd be more than willing to provide help and information.<br><br>It's a shame mice live such short lives... She's so freakin sweet!<br>More pictures of Miss Jingles on a book I'm trying to read through: <br><br><img src="
http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e94/Kissy1/All Pets/FILE0443.jpg" alt="
http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e94/Kissy1/All Pets/FILE0443.jpg" class="bb-image" /><br><img src="
http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e94/Kissy1/All Pets/FILE0444.jpg" alt="
http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e94/Kissy1/All Pets/FILE0444.jpg" class="bb-image" /><br><img src="
http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e94/Kissy1/All Pets/FILE0440.jpg" alt="
http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e94/Kissy1/All Pets/FILE0440.jpg" class="bb-image" /><br><img src="
http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e94/Kissy1/All Pets/FILE0442.jpg" alt="
http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e94/Kissy1/All Pets/FILE0442.jpg" class="bb-image" /><br><img src="
http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e94/Kissy1/All Pets/FILE0432.jpg" alt="
http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e94/Kissy1/All Pets/FILE0432.jpg" class="bb-image" /><br><img src="
http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e94/Kissy1/All Pets/FILE0464.jpg" alt="
http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e94/Kissy1/All Pets/FILE0464.jpg" class="bb-image" /><br><img src="
http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e94/Kissy1/All Pets/FILE0480.jpg" alt="
http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e94/Kissy1/All Pets/FILE0480.jpg" class="bb-image" /><br><br>Miss Jingles is very camera friendly mouse and she seemed to like Patrick the fish (whom needs his blank bowl cleaned today). ^^<br><br>Miss Jingles came with a 10 gallon tank with a broken lid that she can escape through, bedding, toys, water bottle and food; but, I wasn't really prepared to have a mouse, so I still need to do my research. <br>I'm not sure if the bedding she has now is good for her.. Or if it's alright that she's eating Hamster food instead of Mouse food... (is there a difference?) X3 <br>I plan to go to the petstore today with a list of things to buy and perhaps get her another female mouse friend--depending on their social needs. X3<br>Yes. I have a lot to do today! But I hope I can give this mouse a better life than the one she had before.
Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel
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