Tiny Terrors is back! Come one, come all and bring those anklebiters! <br>All terrier breed and all toy breeds are welcomed and accepted. 200 stats, with or without aggression are the only training requirements for this club. <br><br>The ladder tournaments will be put in place once again. Winning a ladder tournament gets your dogs name up on the layout as well as imports and/or millions in vp cash! The focus for Tiny Terrors events will be sporting and working events, though showmanship, conformation and obedience ladders will be held!<br><br>The Tournaments will be held seperately, one for Terriers and one for Toys. There will only be one a month. Here is the breakdown for the next few months:<br><br>November: Agility<br>December: Assistance Trial<br>January: Canine Disc<br><br>If you are interested in this club, please visit and apply your Toys and Terriers!<br><a href="
http://www.virtualpups.com/index.php?r=kennel/view&id=252193" target="_blank" class="bb-url">