*gasp* She's so cute! Bad Posh! I'm stealing her! Border collie purebred right?<br><br>Just some information I heard from my SPCA e-mails. Dog knapping has quadrupled (sp?) this year. Especially purebreds. They say your dog can be taken at the dog park when you're not looking, from the car if it's unlocked, and even from your own backyard. I have a labrador that lives outside so I've been worried about him. I hope your pup stays safe! He looks very well cared for and loved
No! Does Posh know where I live..? *thawps Samantha*<br><br>Thanks Dusty. Yeah she is a purebred but we don't leave her outside by herself. She will get into all sorts of trouble. And we don't go to the dog park, yet. I will keep the warning in mind. I don't want bad peoplez taking her.
Known as tekk and HoodKingz, but please call me Becca