I have 7218212 on my kennel, and I don't play VP anymore.<br><br>Instead of having it sit and rot away, I was wondering if anyone would like to have it. I'm just giving the VPC away, nothing else that may be in the kennel.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="text-decoration:underline">First person to send a correct contract gets it. </span></span><br><br>You can post after you send it, but make sure you send it immediately. <br>Sorry if this is an inconvenience for any of you (it just happens to make it easier on me - no guilt involved).<br><br><br><br>Send a negative contract (-7218212) to <span style="font-weight:bold">AnastasiaT</span>, type "<span style="text-decoration:underline">51804</span>" in the subject/notes line, and please make sure you don't forget the negative. :P<br><br>If you forget the subject line, you won't get the VPC. I don't want to give something away to someone who doesn't even bother to read directions.<br><br><br><br>- Anastasia<br>(This will be the last message I post, so congrats ahead of time to whoever gets the VPC. I will edit the title of this post when it's gone.)
On an indefinite hiatus.