Okay, because I decided to draw a picture of my FAVORITE boy rapper ever, here's T.O.P! [Tempo from Big Bang.]<br><br><a href="
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y160/simulasion/Top12.jpg" target="_blank" class="bb-url">
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y160/s ... /Top12.jpg</a> - Reference picture...<br><br><a href="
http://i35.tinypic.com/ot46dt.jpg" target="_blank" class="bb-url">
http://i35.tinypic.com/ot46dt.jpg</a><br><br>Yeah, there you go.<br>Its from my phone..<br><br>Yes, I can see everything that's wrong with it. x_x<br><br>The mouth looks crappy, and so does the hand, and so does his sweater, and his ear, and his everything!
<br><br>I failed.<br>Totally.<br>So, don't bring me down by saying "ZOMG IT SUCKS! I HATE IT!"<br>That will just make me pissed OFF. [:<br>I will accept constructive criticism like "Hm, here are some areas where you can improve. See the fingers? Maybe make them longer, with joints and stuff? Study anatomy maybe?"<br><br>That's fine, because I know I did lots of things wrong. xD<br><br>Its a WIP...<br>So I will color it etc, traditionally.<br><br>I WILL try my best to find a scanner instead of using my phone sending it to my email. xD<br><br>So..<br>There's T.O.P<br><br>[Gawd. I fail. No art skills at all. Not a career for me. x_x]
Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel
Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel