:O<br>Well, today, I was watering my backyard, and then there's like this little movement near the fence that separate's mine and my neighbor's house. o.o<br>And then, there's like this fluttering movement there
:O<br><br>So I drop the hose and walk over, and its a tiny little bird soaked with water. xD<br><br>So my mom is like "[Insertnamehere]! Go get your gloves on and take the bird out!" [She hates birds]<br><br>And I'm like "Okay, okay. Don't worry, I'll get it out."<br><br>So I go and sit down on the grass near the fence, then wiggle my finger in through the small holes in the fence [metal its wired] and then I gently grab the bird's tail.<br><br>But then, my dog jumps up on my back, and scares the birdy to half death, so I let go, and it flutters away. [But it still can't get out of the fence, because in the middle, its blocked by sticks, and the top is blocked too.]<br>Then I poke it with a stick [Hey, don't eat me, it was the only way xD] And it flutters the opposite way x_x<br><br>So I get pissed off and yell at the bird a little bit and then it goes in the way I want after a few times of fluttering the opposite way xD<br><br>So I grab the tail, and pull it out of the small hole, and it flies away, but before it flies away, it BITES me. xD<br>I was lucky I had my gloves on because that bite was HARD. Man, that little bird had attitude, I could FEEL the bite through my thick gloves. xD<br><br>So that is my story of today after afterschool!
Semper Fi.