As in maybe making it somehow known that literacy is what basically does get you accepted in the VP forum community and possibly post small grammatic lessons for those who must have never taken English class. <br><br>I know a lot of you are probably tired of me ranting about this, but the fact that people misspell simple words continuously, or forget how to use commas and instead use them improperly just gets on my nerves. I think VP should insist on some form of literacy somehow. :[<br><br>Possible Ideas:<br>- Boycotting anyone who fails to speak at least semi-literate.<br>- Correcting people's english.<br>- Requiring a "Correctly Spell/punctuate a sentence" before gaining forum/game access. (Especially for the RP forum?)<br><br>But, um, yeah, that's what I've got. :]
Artists! Submit your work to the VP Lineart Imagebase!
Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.