<span style="font-size:84">Happy Happy smiles and unicorns!!!!<br><br>My upgrade came in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhh I am soo happy!! I dont even know what to type lol. yay yay yay. djsf;laksjdf;lksdjfpoadussadnf;lds;fljasd;lfjasd;lfj;lsdfj;sadkj;sdkjf;lsdkjfpoisdjfadskfj;lasdukfkasdrjnowieurwaeklnr/;ldsfn;lsadkjf;lsdkj<br><br> <br><br>Secret is happy happy happy. Hence the smiles and unicorns. </span>
<span style="font-size:75">Secretluff because Comma is your *cough* </span><span style="font-size:25">secretagent</span> <span style="font-size:75">name *cough*, Secretluff is just a petty nickname. =]</span>
<span style="font-size:84">Ahh yes<br><br>our *cough</span><span style="font-size:17">secretagent</span><span style="font-size:84">names*cough*<br><br>and now, secret has her own imports so she can use them for her werewolf line. yay werewolves!</span>
<span style="font-size:75">O_O Will Dreamy become someone else's training slave? *counts on fingers* Bluey.. Jasper.. Jazz.. Aziu.. Hm.. I have more fingers. =P</span>
<span style="font-size:84">Probably <br><br>I just have to find someone to help me out with them. Ive tried to do lines before but it was so confusing i just gave up. lol but this time I shall find someone to help me and i will be a success! i will!</span>
<span style="font-size:84">You hope?! What kind of person are you?!?! A grooming lover?! eww eww eww!<br><br>But yes, lots of grooming and lots of RHing.</span>
<span style="font-size:75">Uhm.. I'm the squirrel that's been hit one too many times on the head with an acorn, according to Bluey. =P<br><br>xDD I lurve grooming. I do at least 11.6 years of it every day for my aussiedoodles. I groom you rough house?<br><br>Imports are the bomb too. >3</span>
<span style="font-size:84">lol well bluey is right. grooming is evil. and imports are even worse.<br><br>i dont know yet, depends how lazy i am feeling. lol</span>
<span style="font-size:84">You really are crazy. They are so complicated. They take forever and exhaust too easily...<br><br>urgg, hate them.<br><br>so as soon as I find my helper person, you will probably become my slave.</span>
<span style="font-size:75">Mhm. Dreamy's bred 10x4s before. With my own lines. Cause I'm that smart. xD Go Cairns! =P And I has 8x4 briards.. Uhm.. I'm done bragging. >P<br><br>*edit* Yay! 11k posts!</span>