Everyone complains about how there are too many untrained dogs with poor stats, well it's because of the people who just breed and breed and breed with no other intention other than to make more vp cash.<br><br>A basic account gets 25 max breedings, well I think they should get like 5 instead. That would limit the amount of dogs being bred and not only that, it would quicken the game up without so many markups for dogs that aren't going to be used/no one cares about.<br><br>And if people are going to make several accounts in order to breed, I think the rules should be enforced harder and more clearly somehow.. I've been on a site where you couldn't make more than one account on the same IP address; I think that should be enforced on VP. That would really lower the amount of people making different accounts to benefit from them. <br><br>Just a suggestion.<br>Thoughts...?
"war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
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