<span style="font-size:84">It has seemed rather dead lately and I think I am going through withdrawal. I just cant stop thinking about posting with all my characters. It's maddening. If I dont stop think of them soon, Im going to have to start writing them down and saving them for when people decide to start RP'ing again. I mean sure, the really big role plays like the ones with 100's of pages but the newer/smaller ones are like way down on the page. Mine included.<br><br>So, as you can tell, Secret is pretty bored. Ive trained and ran out of dogs, Proboard rpg's; nobody is on, the book I'm reading is rather boring. Yep, so Im doomed to become like my pal Bluey. Insane.<br><br>
<br><br>-Secret Dreams</span>
Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel
Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel
Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel
Semper Fi.
Semper Fi.
Semper Fi.