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(CLOSED) - Young Native; Steph; Horse; Darkest Angel

edited September 2008 in Auction
e.e well the gifties are about to hit me up for monies (again) so! I needs cash x.x <br><br>There are will be only four winners. <span style="font-weight:bold">Those with the highest bids win, lower bids will continuously move down the list until they are bumped off. </span> If you are not familiar with my art you may visit my gallery at <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">deviantART</a><br><br>Few rules to adhere to:<br>1. Never beg, I can not stand this.<br>2. Realize that I am a college student so making your art does take TIME<br>3. Do not try to commission some thing that would break the virtualpups TOS<br>4. I do not draw humans<br><br><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">BIDS</span><br>1 Young_Native 15mil<br>2 steph 10mil<br>3 Horse 9mil<br>4 Darkist Angel 8mil<br><br>sb - 5mil<br>Reserve met<br>BIN for 5 arts is 8 of tarn's zodiac gifties -or- 40mil<br>
<br>Accepting:<br>VPC <span style="text-decoration:underline">ONLY</span> (unless you have the zodiac gifties <.< )<br><br>Zodiac collected:<br>Beryl and Green Mottled w/ Horse Tail<br>Agate and Red w/ Snake Tail <br>Diamond and Navy Mottled w/ Dog Tail <br>Amethyst and Gold Mottled w/ Dragon Tail
Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.


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