Jeese everybody is leaving. mashivak is not a happy bunny. There will be no one to chat to soon, and practiclly everybody who I RP with is going. So pffft. <br><br>All's I can say is, good luck everybody thats going, with school, life, or whatever it is they intend on doing. I myself will probably not be coming on as much as I basically only come on to RP, and everyones leaving. I will check in from time to time. And carry on RPing when possible (if someone posts) but other than that?<br><br>And Sunny....what's gonna happen with Ellianna and Sawsy now? The story line is pretty pointless if Sawsy isn't there.

<br><br>**Sigh**<br><br>Anyhoot, good luck all, and best wishes. Please try to pop on occasionally and say hi
Semper Fi.
Semper Fi.
Semper Fi.
Semper Fi.
Semper Fi.