<span style="font-style:italic">My soul cant stand these city walls<br>My heart longs to run free<br>Yet here I stand,imprisioned once again<br>By a master of which I do not know<br><br>If I stay, my soul will burn from the inside<br>If I go I can only hope that I reach the other side<br>Can I get out of this city life alive?<br>Can my soul survive?<br><br>Bound by these invisiable chains<br>Hope quickly giving out<br>They say im a nightmare<br>but I disagree<br><br>I will make it out alive<br>I will make it out of these city walls<br>Back home where I can run free<br>I wont look back once im set free<br><br>These city walls dont hold no hope for me<br>My heart longs to be free<br>Will I make it out, just wait and see<br>Will I survive or will my spirit break under these chains that hold me<br><br>I will survive.I can survive.I will escape.I can escape.<br><br>Say good-bye, all your gonna see is my hooves as I race away<br>Dust cloud billowing behind me<br>Screaming to the heavens<br>"Im Finally Free!" </span><br><br><br>Yeah,its about a horse RPG charry XD<br><br>Some people on chat said t could be song lyrics....What do you think of it?
Semper Fi.