Well. My life is so amazingly crazy at the moment, but in a good way

<br><br>Many of you might know that I play netball at a very high level (national), and I have been given an amazing opportunity to attend a private school partly due to this. I came to the conclusion that the next 18months are the most important of my life until I sit my end of school exams. I currently have some unbelievable chances to attend universities I never thought I'd be able to go to, so I am intent on getting the grades I need. Going to be geting 3hrs + homework a night.<br><br>On top of this I have so much netball going on, and I again am so blessed to have to opportunity to train to tour Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica, Gibralter, Malta and the whole of the UK, so I am wanting to also turn my full attention to pushing myself to the best I can be. I also unfortunatly am doing this on a previously fractured knee which refuses to be nice at the moment, so want to get my ass down to physio to try and get it fixed! Not to mention I am currently trying to upgrade my level 1 coaching qualification to level 2, alongside doing an official Australian coaching qualification.<br><br>And finally! Those who know me well might know I do a lot of voluntary work both at the paediatric/geriatric sections of the hospital, and I deliver netball coaching to under priviliged children in the area where I live. I am planning on throwing myself into a lot more of this in the coming months, and I also plan to start up my own charity to help people who get injured through sport afford the neccessary treatment/post treatment care which the NHS does not currently cover. <br><br>All this taken into account, something has to go, so sadly it has to be VP. I have not played the game in a long time now, but chat is now going to be a weekend thing only, and a school holiday thing. All gotta grow up sometime huh xD Shall be a change for you all seeing as currently I am in chat pretty much all of the time! And no "Yay Sweetie's gone" parties Jelly and Ana :twisted: I shall still haunt y'all at the weekend evenings xD <br><br>Luff me =D