<span style="font-size:92">They are both very good at doing what they do, Victoria is a dog trainer and Cesar is a dog rehabilitator. <br><br>Victoria uses positive reinforcement to teach dogs and she also uses body language. Like if a dog jumps on her, she turns her body, crosses her arms, and then walks away. <br><br>Cesar, treats the dogs like an actual wolf pack. So when the dog is aggressive or out of hand, he puts it to the ground in a submissive way and waits for the dog to be submissive to him. He also 'bites' the dog with his fingers like a mother or other dog would do to punish another.<br><br>There have been controversies on which is better. <br>I think Victoria's method is the best. But then is Cesar's really as mean as i think it is? Is it actually the way of the pack?</span><br><br>[no arguments please]
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