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wow its been a while

edited September 2008 in General Discussion
hey guys<br><br>its been a REALLY long time since i have been on...<br><br>my kennel now has no dogs. just a regular one too.<br><br>a lot has happened.<br><br>Sern moved away from where i live, so i never see her.<br><br>my dog had puppies, and i know a lot of you are going to get all pissy and stuff but i dont care what other people think anymore.<br><br>a school year started. so thats exciting. not.<br><br>my brother went to college.<br><br>i grew about 4 inches.<br><br>i went to a jonas brothers concert, my very first concert ever.<br><br>and i have new friends and a new look.<br><br>any questions? just send me a message or post back.<br><br>ill be glad to talk to you, even if you are mad at me. i find that amusing.
Huzzah for corny jokes! XD
Sernum's RL Friend.


  • :O I was wondering where you went. ;P Welcome back. <br><br>You went to a Jonas Brothers concert?! :O Me too. xD haha. Glad to see you back. ;3 Really though, I was wondering where you went! :O
  • yea.<br>life got hectic and i guess i just didnt find the time<br>i miss some of you guys<br>its so great to have a place where no one knows your real name
    Huzzah for corny jokes! XD
    Sernum's RL Friend.
  • I went to see the Jonas Brothers too x3 <br><br>Welcome back ^.^ Do you have pictures of the puppies? -is excited-
  • I was wondering where you got off to xD
    topleaf-1.pngleafyegg.gif<-Lenny *hugs lolo*
  • the pictures will be up soon. do not worry. <br>probably on photobucket.<br>yea man. :)<br>so whats going on with other people yo.
    Huzzah for corny jokes! XD
    Sernum's RL Friend.
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