<span style="font-size:75">That's right. Today was Vi's first day of sophomore year, and I must say, it's a lot more fun to make fun of freshmen when you're not making fun of your own class. <br><br>I know I'm nothing special cause it's just 10th grade, and yes I understand I am still an underclassman, BUT! I AM NOT A FRESHMAN ANYMORE! ;D<br><br>Introducing yourself to a class full of juniors and seniors is so much easier when you can say 'Hi, I'm Holland, and I'm a sophomore.' and not 'Hi, I'm a freshman, eat me alive.' It's so cool. [:<br><br>And I thought today/this year was going to be pure hell, but surprisingly, it was super fun and I love ALL my classes! <br><br>Lunch was hectic, as it always is on the first week, all the freshmeat running around not knowing what to do and all the seniors/juniors/sophomores watching them, knowing they should help but won't cause it's too damn funny to watch them suffer. I was really freaking out about who I was going to eat with, because everyone I'd talked to had 3rd or 4th lunch (I have 2nd), but I knew quite a few people in my third period (lunch block) and I sat with 11 other people on one picnic table. We got attacked by ants and rained on, but it was still fun. [:<br><br>My marketing class was really slow..I didn't really like it. I swear it was 2:10 for like 3 hours. XD Then the clock actually DID freeze at 2:15 (time for the bell). lmao.<br><br>But yeah. I was so happy to see everyone, and I got tackled like 4394895738 times. XD 'ZOMG HOLLAND!' -runs from other end of hallway-. ;P It's nice to be back. [:</span>
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oh I swear to ya, I'll be there for ya.
10.31.10 ❤</span></div>
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