Thanks =D Right now I'm working on a bull dog puppy -_- maybe post it when I'm done.<br><br>I got on this post thinking to see something awesome like Ell's emo pony. Then my little.. thing pops up and I'm disappointed Dx<br>GAH I feel so horrible compared to Ell's art Dx
=o But I dunt know how xD Could you pm how, lolo?! Because I love your art and it would be awesome if you could show me how to keep my art neat (is neat person)<br><br>:D
if you dont want 1000 boxes though do this instead<br><br>you see the line that says path in the midle, to the right there is an arrow button..see it? (its very small)<br><br>click it, choose <span style="font-weight:bold">add tab</span> then choose <span style="font-weight:bold">layers</span>, you will see there is a list of other things you can add as well, this way you can choose which options to have in tabs on the work box itself, and you can just flip between them<br><br>if you look on my pic, you will see i got 6 tabs, from left to right<br>brushes - gradients - layer - font - tool - pattern<br><br>those are the ones i most often have use for adjusting and looking at, so its what i find usefull having readily at hand by a simple click
Thanks for the help guys!<br><br>I have one more question..<br>How do I get my brushes that I downloaded on GIMP? I use GIMP 2. I downloaded like a zillion but can't figure out how to put them on GIMP :oops:
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel
Bred the first 6x4 Prazsky Krysarik