So, my internet has been SUPER slow lately, and my dad says the desktop I use might be dying.<br><br>So I have some money saved up, so I'm going to see if I can find a good laptop:)<br><br>Any suggestions?
My old laptop died this year. It was an Acer Travelmate somethingorrather, and although I winged about it, it lived for nearly 4 years. That was pretty good, considering the amount of spillages and dropping it had to take. It ran well too, but I think that's because it's running XP.<br><br>The laptop I have now is a Toshiba Satellite A200 something. I've only had it for a few months, but it's done very well so far. I think it's got 2GB of ram, though I think it might have been wiser to get one with 3 GB. <br><br>It's survived having a full cup of coffee spilt on it, which is always a good sign, and seems pretty resiliant. It does have a dead pixel down the bottom of the screen though, and Toshiba have a pretty bad dead pixel policiy (they won't replace the computer/screen unless there are a very large number of dead pixels), though I'm not sure what other companies are like with that.<br><br>A couple of years ago I remember there was this big thing at school about Dell laptops blowing up, because some kids laptop combusted or exploded, I can't remember. I think you'd be alright with one though, because if they all blew up no one would buy them xD<br><br>So, since your computer will probably be running Vista, you'd want 2-3GB of ram. I got a 250GB harddrive, because you can never have too much space, though it depends on how much stuff you have on your computer. You might find 80GB is more than enough. There's a good rating site on the internet somewhere, it should help you <br><br>But I would recommend a Toshiba A300, or a Dell Inspiron whatevernumberthey'reuptonow.
It's better to get desk top computers.<br><br>(I have a laptop and a few desk tops..)<br><br>Desk tops last a lot longer than laptops. I've had my current Dell Inspiron 1501 for half a year and I've already had to replace the charger and the battery. (I need to replace the battery again because it's already reaching the end of its usable life span)<br><br>You can get a good tower for a desk top computer for about $300 which would last you a lot longer than a laptop.
I have an Acer Aspire 5050, it is AWESOME. The Internet is super fast and I have never had a problem with it. Not once.<br><br><br>I highly recommend it. I got it from walmart and it's my first laptop, to have all on my own. It's lasted forever
<span style="font-size:75">I have a Dell--Inspiration|5160 laptop that I got for free and it's<br>four years old. It makes some weird noises sometimes, bit it runs<br>great and works with most programs. I don't suggest a Dell desk-<br>top, though, they suck, lmao. Mine is always having freaking<br>problems downstairs! Haha. Plus, laptops are more convenient,<br>whether they last longer or not. I'm writing a few books, so where-<br>ever I go, I can write on Microsoft Office Word if I like. Right? So,<br>they're great for that.</span>
I just got a Compaq Presario C700. I haven't spilled anything on it or anything so I don't know if it's very accident proof. It does work wonderfuly though, and I'm very impressed with it. Mines a referbished one so it has all of the bugs fixed on it and it was only about $430. It only comes with 1GB of ram though, so I would recommend spending another $80-$100 to upgrade it to 2GB of ram. I did that with mine, and it runs very fast and is very reliable.
If it's just the internet you're worried about, there's something that tells you how quickly the computer sends/receives information. I can't remember what it's called. Some kind of port. Wire something. Firewire. I don't know, it could be something completely different XD There's definitely something though, you might want to go to a computer shop and ask
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