<span style="font-style:italic">If any of you remember, I used to have an RPG called Midnight To Sunrise. I got the idea off of an idea I had for a story... and well, I finally decided to write it out =D Obviously it won't have the same characters (aside from my main) xD <br><br>I wanted to do this so I could post it on DeviantArt so people didn't think all I knew how to do was one-shots xD. <br><br>I tried posting another story on here before this one.. but I think this one is more well written, and I'd rather put one up that I have a little more confidence in ^^<br><br>There are many stories and such you could find with people with special powers or abilities and I realize that.. but that's pretty much why Im using this one to post online. Im nervous about posting my writing online, but since this was pretty much just a fun idea for a story, I decided it'd be alright to put it online.<br><br>Here's the Introduction, and I'd like to know if anyone would like to hear more.

Critique is wanted, as Im still going through writer's block and I'd be amazed if this even sounds decent. Im not rereading it until after it's posted though... so I dont decide it's horrible and not post it =D Only reason Im writing this, or posting this is so I can get critique on my writing.

</span><br><br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline"><span style="font-weight:bold">Introduction</span></span><br><br>I knew my life would never be the same; if there was a way of being the same. The second my parents agreed on me going away for the summer, I knew I would be changed forever. This dream I had been living for the past three years would soon come into focus. The one thing I wished to gain this summer was learning who I am. It turns out, I learned that along with other important points in life I had been ignoring.<br><br> The morning I was to leave, I remember one thing clearly; saying goodbye. My parents wished me luck, and reminded me to keep in touch. I had never been away longer than a week, and that was only to a relative’s house. This time I left for the summer to a place where I would be living with strangers in a place I didn’t know. As my dad drove me to the place to which I would be picked up by a bus, I took one last glance at my home, while fighting tears back.<br> <br>“You’ll be alright. This will be good for you, everyone there will understand what you’re going through better than we could,â€
All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.

10.31.10 ❤</span></div>