Paint Splattered Merle w. Pallet In Hand<br>Dark Creme w. Messy Splotches of Paint<br><br>Forest Green Pelt w. Gentle Eyes<br>Slight Breeze w. Salty Smell<br>Rosy Red w. Flowery Breeze<br><br>Okay, all the colors I have for now. My mind is blank <br><br>[Please don't use without my permission. ;]]
I am still not sure but I would love to see more guitar hero III entry colors. <br><br>I mixed some suggestions and inserted some of my own ideas. I can't seem to get the one I am looking for. <br><br><br>Plastic Guitar w/ Colored Buttons & Whammy Bar <br>Guitar Hero III w/ Plastic Guitar & Whammy Bar (this one seems odd because of the word guitar in there twice. Does it feel odd to others?)<br><br>I will leave this open until later today. I wanted to order thurs. so it come before the weekend but that may not happen. <br><br>I am rainsing the prize to 2 mill