Before reading the previous advice my suggestion was going to pertain to the ears as well. I think they might be a tad to large, giving the impression of a donkey. Shorten them, and push them forward a bit and I'd say it was perfect! :]
Before reading the previous advice my suggestion was going to pertain to the ears as well. I think they might be a tad to large, giving the impression of a donkey. Shorten them, and push them forward a bit and I'd say it was perfect! :]
<br><br>Couldn't have said it better myself :]<br><br>Other than the ears, Love it
That looks much better to me. I love how you fixed the lower jaw, too. That was another thing that stood out for me in the old picture. Somehow, the new one seems more regal and proud, less stark raving mad like the other. Must be how you arched the crest. <br><br>I luffles it!!!
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Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel
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