OK so I am going to throw a Roofle (raffle)<br><br>How this is going to work is...<br>1st. You pick your numbers (only two per person)<br>2nd. Then I go to this really nifty website and it chooses the winners<br>3erd. The top 5 winners/numbers get to pick one item from the prizes. <br><span style="font-size:75">Any questions on how this works please Pm me</span><br><br>Prizes you get to choose from<br><span style="font-size:75">1. Taken<br>2. 1 Dog any way you want (Training wise)<br>3. Taken<br>4. 1 Million VPC<br>5. Taken<br>6. 7 already made untouched imported Old English Sheepdogs<br>7. <a href="
http://virtualpups.com/index.php?r=dog/view&id=1270848" target="_blank" class="bb-url">
http://virtualpups.com/index.php?r=dog/view&id=1270848</a> and <a href="
http://virtualpups.com/index.php?r=dog/view&id=1021798" target="_blank" class="bb-url">
http://virtualpups.com/index.php?r=dog/view&id=1021798</a></span><br><br>Numbers you can choose from<br><br>1. taytay2488<br>2. loveandpace<br>3. Jazz<br>4. History Maker<br>5. History Maker<br>6. tarnish<br>7. Parker<br>8. SkelAnimals<br>9. Karissa<br>10. jazzy197<br>11. SandyPaws<br>12. SandyPaws<br>13. Buffy<br>14. Kesra<br>15. loveandpace<br>16. Buffy<br>17. Parker<br>18. SkelAnimals<br>19. Jazz<br>20. jazzy197<br>21. tarnish<br>22. Karissa<br>23. taytay2488<br>24. Kesra<br><br>The Winners!<br>11<br>15<br>8<br>6<br>24<br>ok you get to pick your prizes in order, so 11 gets to pick a prize first and then 15...and so on and so forth. <br><br>This is how it will go<br>I will reply to this post who should message me so that we can do this in order<br>and then when that person pm's me they should have what prize they want <br>then I will give them there prize and cross it off of the maine post so that the others know what they can choose from
Doing Banners/Manips message me if interested
Doing Banners/Manips message me if interested
Doing Banners/Manips message me if interested
Doing Banners/Manips message me if interested
Doing Banners/Manips message me if interested
Doing Banners/Manips message me if interested
Doing Banners/Manips message me if interested