I think its supposed to be like the dog is kind of twisted. Front feet up in the air, but the back ones kind of lazily lay sideways. <br><br>But, Its kind of hard to tell that's what it is.<br><br><br>Other than that, it looks good
All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
It's cute, but critique if i may?<br><br>Dogs pelvis' can't rotate 360 degrees,<br>So theres no way the hind would look as it does on the brown dog.<br>The backs legs also are bending the opposite way of how they should.<br>The front left leg cant bend in that direction, so it looks broken.<br><br>As for the grey dog, that one looks good!<br>I can imagine some flaws on the brown dog, because its pose is hard.<br> <br><br>Overall it's very cute, and clever.<br>Nice job!
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