This is how we are going to do this:<br><br>There are different parts-or as Steph calls them: books- in Breaking Dawn. On different days, each part will be open for discussion. I know most of you guys might finish the whole book before we get half way into the book discussion, but it will keep it organized. Also, if someone-like me- haven't finished the book but maybe finished the first section, then they can talk with the others that have finished the first sections without worrying about reading something that happens in the next section.<br>Also, for the length of part three, it will be divided into chapters.<br><br>DATES THAT SECTIONS OPEN:<br>-I'm not naming the title of the sections-<br><br>Section 1: OPEN FOR DISCUSSION<br>Section 2: August 10<br>Section 3>chap. 19-23: August 15<br>Section 3>chap. 24-28: August 20<br>Section 3>chap. 29-33: August 25<br>Section 3>chap. 34-end: August 26<br><br>Also, when you post, you need to add a header. <br><br>Example post:<br><br><span style="font-size:125">Section 1</span><br><br>-your discussion, views, banners, quotes, etc... for sect. 1 goes here-<br><br><span style="font-size:125">Section 2</span><br><br>-once August 10 is here, then your discussion, views, banners, quotes, etc... for sect. 2 goes here-<br><br><br>That way, as we get farther on, someone might not be in section 3 and people can post on it, they probably don't want to read it. So, when they see the header that reads 'Section 3>chap. 19-23' They can skip it.<br><br>As for banners, especially with quotes, please do links, not images. It catches your eye if it isn't a link. It would also help if you put what it is like: [link contains quotes from -enter section and/or chapter here-] www,randomlinkofbanner,com<br><br>Have fun and let the discussion begin!<br><br>Soccerangel321
Semper Fi.
Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel
(email/msn is now posted, so add me, but make sure to let me know who you are :] )
Semper Fi.