Yesterday I had gone over to my cousins house with my dad and sister. My one cousin is my sister's age which is 11 and the other one is around 4 or 5. <br><br>Well I have no idea where my uncle was but my aunt and my dad wanted to go to this one store to look at dishes for my dad's house (which he didnt buy long ago and its currently being redone) and I was asked to babysit. Now, I didn't worry about my sister because I stay home alone with her all the time. I also didn't worry about my older cousin Sammy because he was my sister's age and shouldn't be a problem. My other cousin Jack is another story.<br><br>He will constantly talk and sometimes you have no idea what he is talking about. So anyway I started off by helping him pick up his toys he got out. There is this toy bull dozer and I got him to pick up the toys with it while I made the beeping sounds when it was going to dumb the toys into the chest.<br><br>My sister ended up being grupmy because of the tone of my voice and how I had to talk to Jack. You have to talk in a nicer way so I felt weird. lmao. We played with their pets for a little bit (4 cats and 1 dog). Sammy and Jack were eating cheeze-its and they were feeding and teasing the dog with them so I had to go into this explanation so they would stop (which they did).<br><br>So then they all of a sudden decided to play tag in the house. Jack happened to be it. They started to run in and out of the house and up stair. I had to tell them to walk numerous times. Finally they ended up stopping and then Jack wanted a froot rollup so I had to tell him it wa too close to dinner time. He said, "Oh yeah. That's right. I forgot about dinner," lmao. It was cute. <br><br>Then Sammy pretended to die. He flopped onto the ground and started hacking and twitching. Jack got to worried. He knelt by Sammy and started to say, "No Sammy don't die.". Then Sammy started to say, "I love you Jack," because he was 'dying' and Jack said, "I love you brother," and gave Sammy a kiss on the cheek. It was so cute. <br><br>So after I convinced Jack that Sammy wasn't dying, Sammy went into the living room and turned on the T.V. The show 'Ruby and Max' was on which is some little kid show. Then Sammy changed the channel and Jack started to cry. He kept saying, "Turn it baaack! I wan Ruby a-an Max!". I got Jack to come over to me and I said, "Common Jack. Wanna play a game? You wern't watching T.V anyway." Which actually worked. He walked me into this other room with games and picked candyland to play. My sister joined in while Sammy watched MTV. A few times he started to cheat (somtimes it would make him lose more) and my sister and I kept trying to explain the rules. He didn't get it so I told my sister to let it go. He ended up winning. <br><br>My sister (Kelsey) got bored with the game and started to play with the kittens again. Jack and I started to play again but he found the rules and he wanted me to read the spanish side (I am in spanish). I told him he wouldnt undertand the words and that I could read the English but he wanted spanish. Jack kept wanting me to read the same parts over and over. Finally I said "Wanna finish the game?" and thankfully we did. He won again. <br><br>Then he wanted to get his toys out but I got him to clean up the gameboard first. Putting that away, he dragged out toys and this crane that moves with a remote. We started playing this thing were a hotwheels car or Buzz Lightyear action figure would fall off the crane and we would have to heal them with "Magic Mustard" that came from a plastic mustard bottle with eyes. Mr. Mustard and Mr. Spatuala would save them. When the mustard ran out I would make the noises while it refilled. Jack would keep asking, "How much magic mustard do you have left Mr. Mustard?" and I would say something like 50 drops or 20 drops. Lmao. <br><br>Finally my dad and aunt got back. Jack still wanted me to play and dragged me back in their a few times. Soon we had to eat dinner so I got away. Jack asked to be excused from dinner and so did Sammy. Jack wanted to play and Sammy said, "I'll play with you" and Jack shook his head and pointed at me and said, "I want to play with her." I was still eating though. I just find the whole thing funny. I kept giving my sister looks while playing magic mustard. She was in the same room playing with cats the whole time.<br><br>If anyone cares..the four cats they have are:<br>Sadie-All black and maybe about 1-2 yrs. Her sister Sophie died recently.<br>Czear-Very fluffy cream orange and white male about 5 yrs.<br>Casper-Male silver tabby with a half tail. He's Jack's cat. About a few months old.<br>Sassy-Sammy's silver tabby cat with a really long tail. Sister to Casper and she's a few month old.<br><br>The dog is a golden retriever named Midas who's age I am not sure of.<br><br>We ended the night playing wii and Jack kept whining asking when it was his turn. We were actually taking even turns but the kid was impatient. :P<br><br>MAGIC MUSTARD!!!!<br><br>Whoever read this all, KUDOS to you!