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Computer Programming/Fixing Computers xD

Well, I dunno if computer programming is the same thing as -fixing- a computer that has "died", but w/e xD<br><br>Anyways, right now I have a Apple Macbook Pro, but before I got this I had<br>an HP, well I still have it but it crashed about 7-8 months ago. We took it to<br>see what was wrong with it and how much it would cost to fix it.<br><br>They told us it had crashed most likely because I had too much music on<br>there/graphics program, and they wanted to charge us $475 to fix it :roll: <br><br>Anyways, I really want to get it fixed, so I can sell it. I don't really need it :/<br>I have this new laptop now, and my school gives us one just for school. But<br>what I -do- need, is money :) <br><br>So basically, I was wondering if anyone knew how to fix it? A friend of a friend from school (he's 19), programs computers. He got so far on it and <br>then stopped, and now we don't see him anymore because he moved to Seattle.<br><br>I don't remember exactly what he said needed to be done still, but I know it starts with an "R" XDD<br><br>Anyone who knows anything about computers and can help me, that would be great! I'll try to get ahold of him so he can tell me xD<br><br>-Moony
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