<span style="font-size:75">ok, as u can see, i am having a raffle only for novices for the club CFNP (caring for novice program) i will have a prize for 1st-3rd<br><br><br>1st: wins 85k, one free rescue and one free stat/skill w/o aggro maxxing<br>2nd: wins 30k one free rescue and one free stat/skill w/o aggro maxxing<br>3rd: wins 10k and one free rescue<br><br>so fair, right?<br><br>well u can buy as many tickets, 1k each. and there will be numbers 1-70, one number per ticket. ur name will be on the numbers that r open that u pick!<br><br>NEW! SPONSERS CAN NOW ENTER! but tickets for sponsers are 5k per ticket<br><br>1. tiffer<br>2. tiffer<br>3. tiffer<br>4. tiffer<br>5. tiffer<br>6.<br>7.<br>8.<br>9. sk8ter chick 4ever (from game)<br>10. jazzy197<br>11. Mahgic<br>12. Mahgic<br>13. Mahgic<br>14. Mahgic<br>15. Mahgic<br>16.<br>17.<br>18.<br>19.<br>20. jazzy197<br>21.<br>22.<br>23.<br>24.<br>25.<br>26.<br>27.<br>28.<br>29.<br>30. jazzy197<br>31.<br>32.<br>33. sk8ter chick 4ever (from game)<br>34.<br>35.<br>36.<br>37.<br>38.<br>39. HufflepuffGal39 (from game)<br>40. jazzy197<br>41.<br>42.<br>43.<br>44.<br>45.<br>46.<br>47.<br>48.<br>49.<br>50. jazzy197<br>51.<br>52.<br>53.<br>54.<br>55. sk8ter chick 4ever (from game) <br>56.<br>57.<br>58.<br>59.<br>60.<br>61.<br>62.<br>63. sk8ter chick 4ever (from game) <br>64.<br>65.<br>66.<br>67.<br>68.<br>69. sk8ter chick 4ever (from game)<br>70.<br><br>ok, u pick number, per ticket, and ur name goes there! ones that are open, u pick them, tell me here, send a contract to CallyKat4 on VP, then ur name goes there, or msg me on VP and not forums<br>GOOD LUCK!</span>

Doing Banners/Manips message me if interested