I'm so cold. <br><br>I woke up last night with a sore throat and a fever. Now I stuck at home and feel like crap, thanks to the poor hygiene conditions and consequent flu outbreak at school. <br><br>I just thought I'd share a brief recap of my day so far with VP. <br>8:00 - I got up, feeling feverish and awful, and realised I'd have to take the day off school. I went to get something to drink, but felt so lightheaded I fell down the stairs.<br>8:30 - I had a glass of orange juice, deciding that if I could pump myself full of vitamin C I might get better. <br>8:35 - Still feeling crappy, I went to feed my birds. It was really windy outside, and as I was walking over to the aviary I was hit on the head by a falling stick.<br>8:45 - I went back inside to have some breakfast. I didn't feel like eating much, but I had a strange craving for my citrus marmalade. We're really short on bread, but I manage to find a few pieces left. I go to toast them, then realise that they're moldy. <br>8:50 - Still starving, I find that my Mum's left a couple of pieces in the fridge for me. I toast those, then go discover that my brother has eaten all my marmalade. <br><br>So, I'm hungry, marmaladeless, and sick feeling. I was feeling very moody, and the day really didn't seem like it could get much worse. <br><br>9:00 - I do a quicky house cleanup, making beds, washing up etc.<br>9:30 - I decided that since I was probably missing a lot of work at school, I'd try to catch up on some homework. I try to get on to my schools website, but the website is down.<br>9:45 - My fever came back, so I went to lie down.<br><br>Eventually my fever went away, and now I'm on the computer. I still feel dodgy, and the beautiful day outside is mocking me, so I'm feeling quite hateful of everything. <br><br>Worst of all is that it's my birthday next week, but because of college and career excursions at that time my friends were going to have a mini party for me today. So now I feel, sick, tired, hateful and quilty for not going to school. <br><br>I love winter, but I also really, really hate it. I have a blanket, but I still feel so cold ;_;