I've been searching on the net. and have asked quite a few people about this same question... But I wanna ask the wonderful people of VP what they had thought about this. Please... Only people who know rabbits, and have owned previous rabbits, etc. should reply to this post.<br><br>I've got a 3 yr. old Netherland Dwarf female. I have no clue if she's spayed or not, and had just gotten another "female" Red Satin who is 5 wks. old, yesterday. My question is... When should I start to bond them? I'd like them to be cage mates someday, and would like to know if I should start right away with getting them familiar with eachother or?<br>The Red Satin, as many people might've already seen is TINY. She/he is probably about a pound or so, and very fragile. While the Netherland is about 3-5lbs. The Netherland has/is known to bite (pretty aggressively mind you), and we've been putting the Netherland and Satin side-by-side in a puppypen outside, but the Netherland doesnt really seem interested in the Satin when we do so. We've also put them in the same area of the puppypen, and the Netherland like "hangs onto" the Satin... Basically going on-top of her. So any suggestions or comments or advice would be greatly appreciated.
If you've ordered anything, please be patient with me. Having volcano/ash troubles. Msg me for more info, and I'll get back to you asap!! Thankies!!
Semper Fi.