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  • <@FreeVerse>; SSPP<br><@FreeVerse>; *eats*<br><@FreeVerse>; SHH<br><@FreeVerse>; I diddnt even KNOW I said that to mom<br><@FreeVerse>; XD<br><@Tobias>; lmfao<br><@FreeVerse>; XD<br><@FreeVerse>; SHH<br><@Tobias>; god.damn.fleas x.X<br><@Tobias>; *scratchs*<br><@FreeVerse>; SERVES YOU RIGHT<br><@FreeVerse>; GOD SENDS PLAGES TO PEOPLE WHO TELLS OTHERS SECRETS<br><@FreeVerse>; xD<br><@Tobias>; shut up XD<br><@Tobias>; I`ve had them for about 2 days now...I need to give the dogs their flea baths XD<br><@FreeVerse>; xD<br><@FreeVerse>; Lol<br><@FreeVerse>; SERVES Y OU RIGHT<br><@FreeVerse>; *YOU<br><@FreeVerse>; FAIL, DAMNIT, FAIL<br><@Tobias>; no<br><@Tobias>; MEGA FAIL<br><@FreeVerse>; YES<br><@Tobias>; XD<br><@FreeVerse>; EPIC FAIL<br><@FreeVerse>; WHOOOOOOOOOOOO
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • bruiser147 wrote:
    Jazz wrote:
    SSPP: How could you NOT love Pokemon?<br>Mohican: Because Im a normal person.<br>SSPP: Pft<br>Mohican: >:]<br>SSPP: Pokemon is awesome and you know it!!<br><br>Mohican is obviously me.
    <br>I lurvve Pokemon <3 I have Diamond for my DS and tis awesome. How can you not like it?!
    <br>Sunny isn't big on anything like that ;) Im on the serious side of things.
    <br><br>Serious?<br>*snickerfits* your anything but!<br><br><br>AND YOU MUST LOVE POKEMON BECAUSE IT PAWNS!<br>especially Lugia XD
    <br>My brother is like, in love with Lugia XD Its really funny... he can go on and on about legendary pokemon, and he always ends with "and Lugia is the best and most rarest" blah blah blah xD
  • [12:03] <@krolak>; "krow: without you i wouldnt have anyone to be stupid with"<br>[12:03] <@krolak>; x3<br>[12:04] <@krolak>; i just almost put a pot of water in the cuboard<br>[12:04] <@GasStationSushi>; lmfao<br>[12:04] <@GasStationSushi>; I just nearly<br>[12:04] <@GasStationSushi>; put a hole in the wall<br>[12:04] <@GasStationSushi>; x,x<br>[12:04] <@GasStationSushi>; I kick-boxed it <br>[12:04] <@GasStationSushi>; xD<br><br><br>lmfao x3
  • Krolak wrote:
    [12:03] <@krolak>; "krow: without you i wouldnt have anyone to be stupid with"<br>[12:03] <@krolak>; x3<br>[12:04] <@krolak>; i just almost put a pot of water in the cuboard<br>[12:04] <@GasStationSushi>; lmfao<br>[12:04] <@GasStationSushi>; I just nearly<br>[12:04] <@GasStationSushi>; put a hole in the wall<br>[12:04] <@GasStationSushi>; x,x<br>[12:04] <@GasStationSushi>; I kick-boxed it <br>[12:04] <@GasStationSushi>; xD<br><br><br>lmfao x3
    <br><br>LMFAO, I member that xD
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • o.o ROFLMFAO! you should member that! it happened TODAY like an hour ago! *dies laughing*
  • Krolak wrote:
    o.o ROFLMFAO! you should member that! it happened TODAY like an hour ago! *dies laughing*
    <br><br>LMAO<br>I DO!<br>I REMEMBER IT!<br>WHOO!
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • Diana: but I gotta go. I have to clean. <br><br>Diana: nevermind <br><br>Alex: *dies laughing* <br><br>Alex: what? <br><br>Diana: nuu. his was hunormous <br><br>Alex: they are made of hard plastic type stuff <br><br>Alex: sheesh! <br><br>Alex: you dont pop skateboard wheels <br><br>Alex: lmfao <br><br>Alex: '<>< <br><br>Diana: he ran over a... spike and it popped it XD <br><br>Alex: x3 <br><br>Alex: duh! <br><br>Alex: its do-|-<|: <br><br>Diana: pssh <br><br>Alex: dork x3 <br><br>Alex: skateboards dun have one round wheel and one oval wheel <br><br>Alex: nu! <br><br>Alex: lmfao <br><br>Diana: do-|-<|; tehe XD <br><br><br>Alex=me Diana= lumen/alpha<br>(tis from a rp site x3)
  • [17:13] <Appie> kro quit slaping people<br>[17:13] <krolak> NO!<br>12[17:13] * Tobias slaps krolak around a bit with a large trout<br>[17:13] <krolak> >:P<br>06[17:13] * KimYo slaps krolak around a bit with a large trout<br>[17:13] <krolak> -eats tobias-<br>[17:13] <KimYo> HA!<br>[17:13] <KimYo> DOUBLE Hit<br>[17:13] <DustyVinci> anyway, NICKEL :D<br>06[17:13] * HotShot slaps KimYo around a bit with a large trout<br>12[17:13] * Tobias slaps krolak around a bit with a large trout<br>[17:13] <krolak> -eats kimmeh-<br>[17:13] <Appie> hot<br>[17:13] <Demon> How does Whiney beepeth Buffy?<br>12[17:13] <Tobias> SLAP WARS!<br>06[17:13] * KimYo slaps krolak around a bit with a large trout<br>[17:13] <KimYo> HA<br>12[17:13] * Tobias slaps KimYo around a bit with a large trout<br>[17:13] <krolak> nu<br>[17:13] <KimYo> *hides*<br>[17:13] <krolak> you ish eaten<br>12[17:13] * Tobias slaps krolak around a bit with a large trout<br>[17:13] <DustyVinci> o.O<br>06[17:13] * HotShot slaps DustyVinci around a bit with a large trout<br>[17:13] <krolak> o.O<br>06[17:13] * HotShot slaps Tobias around a bit with a large trout<br>12[17:13] * Tobias slaps HotShot around a bit with a large trout<br>[17:13] <DustyVinci> O.o<br>[17:13] <KimYo> SSPP just slapped kro's belly<br>[17:13] <KimYo> xD<br>[17:13] <krolak> LMFAO<br>[17:13] <PuppyGal> Huh?<br>12[17:13] <Tobias> lmao<br>[17:13] <krolak> ouch!<br>[17:13] <KimYo> haha<br>[17:13] <KimYo> TWICE<br>[17:13] <krolak> >.< it hurts to laugh<br>12[17:13] <Tobias> I had too much suger XD<br>[17:14] <krolak> pfft<br>[17:14] <krolak> i had no sugar<br>12[17:14] * Tobias slaps PuppyGal around a bit with a large trout<br>06[17:14] * Ranita slaps self around with a large trout<br>04[17:14] * PaperWings (<a href="" target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>) has joined #virtualpups<br>[17:14] <@Puppy>; [PaperWings] (20:44:18) (@Nitty) you're banned from my children (20:44:40) (@TakenAway) but but (20:44:45) (@Nitty) BANNED I SAY<br>09[17:14] * ChanServ sets mode: +o PaperWings<br>[17:14] <krolak> this is normal<br>[17:14] <PuppyGal> Eh!<br>12[17:14] * Tobias slaps krolak around a bit with a large trout<br>12[17:14] <Tobias> XD<br>06[17:14] * PuppyGal slaps Tobias then eats Tobias >:D<br>[17:14] <krolak> o.o<br>[17:14] <krolak> *TWITCH*<br>[17:14] <KimYo> I can feel the love<br>[17:14] <KimYo> xD<br>12[17:14] * Tobias slaps krolak around a bit with a large trout<br>06[17:14] * HotShot slaps PuppyGal around a bit with a large trout
  • Whoony: I'm High On Happiness<br><br>kro was there xD
  • Wheaton wrote:
    Whoony: I'm High On Happiness<br><br>kro was there xD
    <br><br>i twas prolly there.. x3 just dun member it :wink:
  • 12[20:46] <Tobias> vi scius Kro<br>[20:46] <krolak> o.o<br>[20:46] <krolak> dun you go changing languages on kro<br>[20:46] <krolak> x.x it rots my brain<br>12[20:47] <Tobias> XD<br>12[20:47] <Tobias> I love Esperanta<br>[20:47] <krolak> o.o<br>[20:47] <krolak> what?<br>Then I went to PC XD<br>[20:48] <krolak> x.x<br>12[20:48] <Tobias> la lingvo estas nomita Esperanton<br>Meanwhile in Main chat.....<br>04[20:47] * Miroku (<a href="" target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>) has joined #virtualpups<br>[20:48] <@Wolf>; Hello Miroku<br>[20:48] <krolak> eh.. must,consentrate.. on finishing purple dinosaur<br>[20:48] <Mystic|Busy> Sandeh!<br>[20:48] <Miroku> Hey!<br>[20:48] <Mystic|Busy> wake up!<br>[20:48] <Mystic|Busy> *boots*<br>[20:48] <Miroku> Wolf, wanna see my new hammies?<br>[20:49] <krolak> Dx *whimpers* someone make tobias stop rotting my brain! x.x<br>12[20:49] <Tobias> XD<br>06[20:49] * krolak slaps Tobias around a bit with a large trout<br><br>And back to pc XD<br>12[20:49] <Tobias> Mi ne putranta via cerbo vi supergranda korvo! <br>[20:50] <krolak> STOP EEEEEEEEEEEEEET<br>[20:50] <krolak> !<br>12[20:50] <Tobias> NENIU(J)
  • [20:17] <krolak> someone typed..<br>[20:17] <krolak> and i slapped the wrong person!<br>[20:17] <krolak> x.x<br>[20:18] <krolak> NEH!<br>[20:18] <Se7en> o.O<br>[20:18] <Se7en> Fail.<br>[20:18] <Tobias> XD<br>[20:18] <Tobias> magor fail<br>[20:18] <Tobias> *major<br>[20:18] <Se7en> rofl<br>[20:18] <krolak> stop eet!<br>[20:18] <krolak> ha!<br>[20:18] <krolak> you fail<br>[20:18] <Se7en> epic fail.<br>[20:18] <DevilBat> No, Batty hasn't yet. D: Batty needs either monies or a deal of somesort.<br>[20:18] <krolak> lfmao<br>[20:18] <Tobias> I always mess that word up XD<br>[20:18] <krolak> damn it<br>[20:18] <krolak> >.<<br>[20:18] <krolak> **lmfao<br>[20:18] <Tobias> PHAIL<br>[20:18] <Se7en> double epic fail!<br>[20:18] <krolak> YAY! for failing<br>[20:18] <Se7en> ah. this is amusing.
  • <JasperHale> HORSE <br><JasperHale> GUESS WHAT>! <br><JasperHale>?!* <br><NinjaDuck> WHAT??!! <br><JasperHale> ILU! <br><NinjaDuck> :OO <br><NinjaDuck> NO WAY! <br>***JasperHale is now known as NinjaGoosie <br><NinjaDuck> ILU2!! <br><NinjaGoosie> ITS TRUE! <br><NinjaGoosie> NO WAY! <br><NinjaGoosie> :OO <br><NinjaDuck> FO REAL?! <br><NinjaGoosie> YEAH!! <br><NinjaGoosie> FO REAL! <br><NinjaDuck> OH EM GEE <br><NinjaGoosie> WOPO <br><NinjaDuck> WOPO!<br><br>Yeah.. cause we're snad like that 8) <br>Duck = Me<br>Goose = SandyPaws<br><br>Be jealous of our snadness :twisted:
    Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel :)
  • [14:30] <Kristine> VI!<br>[14:30] <Kristine> o.o<br>[14:31] <Afterlife> Ell :D<br>[14:31] <Kristine> -jumpson-<br>[14:31] <Afterlife> D:<br>[14:31] <@LadyRuatha>; boiling ice and frozen lava<br>[14:31] <Afterlife> -is squished-<br>[14:31] <Kristine> o.O<br>[14:31] <Afterlife> I get the joy of making dinner tonight<br>[14:31] <Afterlife> -___-<br>[14:31] <Kristine> lmao<br>[14:31] <Kristine> i didnt get dinner today<br>[14:31] <Kristine> o.o<br>[14:31] <Afterlife> So I chose something REALLY easy<br>[14:31] <Afterlife> XD<br>[14:32] <Kristine> NOODLES<br>[14:32] <Kristine> >.><br>[14:32] <Afterlife> HAha<br>[14:32] <Afterlife> close<br>[14:32] <@LadyRuatha>; waffles<br>[14:32] <Afterlife> Spaghetti<br>[14:32] <Afterlife> lmao<br>[14:32] <Young_Native> Ru is have fun xD<br>[14:32] <Kristine> lmao xD<br>01[14:32] <krolak> ice cream<br>[14:32] <@LadyRuatha>; toaster waffles<br>[14:32] <@LadyRuatha>; brb<br>[14:32] <Afterlife> I love Eggos<br>[14:32] <Afterlife> XD<br>[14:32] <Kristine> I thinks i go make toast actually xD<br>[14:32] <Kristine> TEXT<br>[14:32] <Kristine> o.o<br>[14:33] <Afterlife> o_o<br>[14:33] <Kristine> It's from Vi!<br>[14:33] <Kristine> XD<br>[14:33] <Kristine> >.><br>[14:33] <Afterlife> What<br>[14:33] <Afterlife> xD<br>[14:33] <Kristine> they text o=<br>[14:33] <Kristine> o.o the*<br>01[14:33] <krolak> what text?<br>[14:33] <Afterlife> o.o<br>[14:33] <Afterlife> It is<br>[14:33] <Afterlife> Xd<br>[14:33] <Afterlife> XD<br>01[14:33] <krolak> o.o<br>01[14:33] <krolak> fail<br>01[14:33] <krolak> xD<br>[14:33] <Afterlife> Shh<br>[14:33] <Kristine> That text i got on my phone >.>?<br>01[14:33] <krolak> o.o<br>[14:33] <Afterlife> o.o<br>[14:33] <Afterlife> No<br>[14:33] <Afterlife> XD<br>[14:33] <Kristine> o.o<br>01[14:33] <krolak> me?<br>[14:33] <Kristine> Yes!<br>[14:33] <Kristine> o.o<br>[14:34] <Kristine> huh D:?<br>01[14:34] <krolak> what?<br>[14:34] <Afterlife> From me?<br>[14:34] <Afterlife> I'm so losyt<br>[14:34] <Afterlife> D<br>[14:34] <Afterlife> lost*<br>[14:34] <Kristine> lmao<br>[14:34] <Afterlife> D: *<br>[14:34] <Afterlife> o.o<br>13[14:34] * Afterlife was kicked by Puppy (Stop flooding!)<br>03[14:34] * Afterlife has joined #virtualpups<br>[14:34] <Afterlife> Ahaha<br>[14:34] <Kristine> The text, Ijust received, is from Vi e.e<br>[14:34] <Kristine> There. We not confused anymore<br>[14:34] <Afterlife> lmao<br>[14:34] <Afterlife> Ok<br>[14:34] <Afterlife> o.o<br>[14:34] <Kristine> Nah was from Paypur o.o<br>[14:35] * Bobolu has quit IRC (Ping timeout)<br>[14:35] <Afterlife> lmao<br>[14:35] <@LadyRuatha>; Leggo my EGGO!!<br>[14:35] <Kristine> i,i<br>[14:35] <Kristine> o.o<br>[14:35] <Kristine> even
  • Are we allowed to do texts too?!
  • If so:<br><br>Me: "Eww. And it smells like fish! Blehhh"<br>Tay: "U smell like fish"<br>Me: "Pshaw! How wude! Oh yeah? FISH smell like fish! Beat that Taco!"<br>Tay: "Psh. I'm snad"<br>Me: "Psh potatoes are snad!"<br>Tay: "Psh brocoli is snad"<br>Me: "Eww xD erm.. Ants are dansical"<br>Tay: "Poop is dansical!"<br>Me: "XD alex is dansical"<br>Tay: "I smell like sunshine dust!"<br>Me: "I smell like eyebrows!"<br><br>That was our text convo today XD ...dunt ask.. XD<br><br>Snad = cool, awesome, etc<br>Dans/Dansical = opposite of snad
  • <@Tobias>; Im gonna smack you guys XD<br><@Tobias>; Stop picking on the Werewolf<br><@Tobias>; Pick on someone else<br><@Tobias>; XD<br><@FreeVerse>; LMFAO<br><@Tobias>; Wait-rereads post- I need to smack you now -_-<br><@FreeVerse>; I fell out of my chair laughing.<br>* @Tobias smacks Sunny with a cinderblock<br><@FreeVerse>; w00t
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • 12[22:19] <@Tobias>; Vi,im lame :/<br>12[22:19] <@Tobias>; my fursonas a donkey XD<br>[22:19] <@Violet-Eyed>; LMFAO<br>[22:19] <@Violet-Eyed>; XD
  • [09:33] <@FreeVerse>; w00t<br>[09:33] <@FreeVerse>; VH1C<br>[09:33] <@FreeVerse>; <33<br>[09:34] <@FreeVerse>; w00t<br>[09:34] <@FreeVerse>; coffee<br>[09:34] <@krolak>; o.o<br>[09:36] <@FreeVerse>; I gots... ISSUES<br>[09:37] <@krolak>; NU!<br>[09:37] <@krolak>; *thwacks*<br>[09:37] <@krolak>; -.- you cant steal my saying<br>[09:38] <@FreeVerse>; :P<br>[09:38] <@FreeVerse>; xD
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • [12:09] <@FreeVerse>; I like<br>[12:09] <@FreeVerse>; Choked on water<br>[12:09] <@FreeVerse>; o.o<br>[12:09] <@krolak>; o.o<br>[12:09] <@FreeVerse>; o.o<br>[12:09] <@krolak>; o.o<br>[12:09] <@FreeVerse>; o.o<br>[12:09] <@krolak>; o.o<br>[12:09] <@FreeVerse>; o.o<br>[12:09] <@krolak>; o.o<br>[12:09] <@FreeVerse>; o.o<br>[12:09] <@krolak>; o.o<br>[12:09] <@FreeVerse>; o.o<br>[12:09] <@krolak>; o.o<br>[12:09] <@FreeVerse>; o.o<br>[12:09] <@krolak>; o.o<br>[12:09] <@FreeVerse>; o.o<br>[12:09] <@krolak>; o.o<br>[12:09] <@FreeVerse>; o.o<br>[12:09] <@krolak>; o.o<br>[12:09] <@FreeVerse>; o.o<br>[12:09] <@krolak>; o.o<br>[12:09] <@FreeVerse>; o.o<br>[12:09] <@krolak>; o.o<br>[12:09] <@FreeVerse>; o.o<br>[12:09] <@krolak>; o.o<br>[12:09] <@FreeVerse>; o.o<br>[12:09] <@krolak>; o.o<br>[12:09] <@FreeVerse>; o.o<br>[12:09] <@krolak>; XD<br>[12:09] <@FreeVerse>; xD<br>[12:09] <@krolak>; o.O<br>[12:09] <@FreeVerse>; O.o<br>[12:09] <@krolak>; wtf? x3<br>[12:09] <@FreeVerse>; xD
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • 12[14:07] <Tobias> I still can't believe I tie-dyed Stet o.o;<br>[14:08] <NinjaTurtle> But her compy caught it from mine and I thank her xD<br>[14:08] <NinjaPuppy> xD<br>[14:08] <NinjaTurtle> o.O<br>12[14:08] <Tobias> XD<br>12[14:08] <Tobias> <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>[14:08] <NinjaTurtle> You tie-dyed Stet? o.O<br>[14:08] <@Zoe>; lol<br>[14:08] <@Zoe>; mirc was freaking out and kept freezing up<br>12[14:08] <Tobias> By accident!<br>12[14:08] <Tobias> *points to picture*<br>[14:08] <NinjaPuppy> xD<br>[14:09] <NinjaTurtle> lmao
  • Ok.. so I had just downloaded and gotten mIRC... XD<br><br>[00:30] <@Lixxx>; :O<br>[00:30] <@Lixxx>; IT WORKED<br>[00:30] <@Lixxx>; XD<br>[00:30] <@Lixxx>; I AM ON<br>[00:30] <@Lixxx>; XD<br>[00:30] <@SandyPaws>; YAY<br>[00:30] <@Lixxx>; zomg<br>[00:30] <@Lixxx>; XD<br>01[00:30] <@Lixxu>; HEY ME<br>[00:30] <@SandyPaws>; I'ma maybe download it now anyway XD<br>[00:30] <@Lixxx>; HI YOU!<br>[00:30] <@Lixxx>; XD<br>01[00:30] <@Lixxu>; x3<br>01[00:30] <@Lixxu>; I dunt like zeh font on here<br>01[00:30] <@Lixxu>; But<br>01[00:30] <@Lixxu>; I'll live<br>01[00:30] <@Lixxu>; xP<br>[00:30] <@SandyPaws>; I think you could prolly change it<br>[00:30] <@SandyPaws>; I'ma try to download<br>01[00:30] <@Lixxu>; Yeah<br>01[00:30] <@Lixxu>; xD<br>[00:30] <@SandyPaws>; sorry if I poof<br>[00:30] <@SandyPaws>; xD<br>01[00:30] <@Lixxu>; Tis ok<br>01[00:30] <@Lixxu>; ;3<br>[00:30] <@SandyPaws>; Im too excited<br>[00:31] <@SandyPaws>; I dun care<br>[00:31] <@SandyPaws>; all my mom is like<br>01[00:31] <@Lixxu>; I'll try and walk you through it if you download it<br>01[00:31] <@Lixxu>; xD<br>[00:31] <@SandyPaws>; "YOU DIDNT ASK ME"<br>01[00:31] <@Lixxu>; XD<br>[00:31] <@SandyPaws>; xD<br>[00:31] <@SandyPaws>; eh<br>[00:31] <@SandyPaws>; k<br>[00:31] <@SandyPaws>; I will be downloading<br>[00:31] <@SandyPaws>; it<br>[00:31] <@SandyPaws>; maybe<br>[00:31] <@SandyPaws>; wait<br>[00:31] <@SandyPaws>; xD<br>01[00:31] <@Lixxu>; :O<br>[00:31] <@SandyPaws>; k<br>[00:31] <@SandyPaws>; I am<br>01[00:31] <@Lixxu>; I CHANGED ZEH FONT<br>01[00:31] <@Lixxu>; XD<br>01[00:31] <@Lixxu>; SPWEEE<br>[00:31] <@SandyPaws>; TEACH MEE<br>[00:31] <@SandyPaws>; XD<br>01[00:31] <@Lixxu>; OK<br>01[00:31] <@Lixxu>; XD<br>01[00:31] <@Lixxu>; When you do it I shall<br>[00:33] <@SandyPaws>; You shall?<br>01[00:33] <@Lixxu>; XD<br>01[00:33] <@Lixxu>; Yus I shall<br>01[00:33] <@Lixxu>; zomg this ish SWEET<br>01[00:33] <@Lixxu>; XD<br>[00:33] <@SandyPaws>; D<<br>01[00:33] <@Lixxu>; EWW<br>[00:33] <@SandyPaws>; What?<br>01[00:33] <@Lixxu>; CHUNKY FONT<br>01[00:33] <@Lixxu>; *throws up*<br>[00:33] <@SandyPaws>; XD<br>01[00:33] <@Lixxu>; XD<br>01[00:33] <@Lixxu>; Sorry<br>01[00:33] <@Lixxu>; I HAD<br>[00:33] <@SandyPaws>; Lixxuu<br>01[00:33] <@Lixxu>; to do that<br>01[00:33] <@Lixxu>; XD<br>01[00:33] <@Lixxu>; ?<br>[00:33] <@SandyPaws>; teach meee<br>[00:33] <@SandyPaws>; xD<br>[00:34] <@SandyPaws>; wait<br>[00:34] <@SandyPaws>; nevermindxD<br>[00:34] <@SandyPaws>; I'ma get in trouble<br>01[00:34] <@Lixxu>; xD<br>02[00:35] * @Lixxx (<a href="" target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>) Quit (Lixxx)<br>[00:36] <@SandyPaws>; join vp<br>01[00:36] <@Lixxu>; Okies<br>01[00:37] <@Lixxu>; someone say something in... 4 seconds<br>01[00:37] <@Lixxu>; READY GO<br>[00:37] <@SandyPaws>; WOO<br>01[00:38] <@Lixxu>; do it again<br>[00:38] <@SandyPaws>; WEE<br>01[00:38] <@Lixxu>; GO<br>[00:38] <@SandyPaws>; WAA<br>[00:38] <@SandyPaws>; WOO<br>01[00:38] <@Lixxu>; wait<br>[00:38] <@SandyPaws>; WAA<br>[00:38] <@SandyPaws>; WEE<br>01[00:38] <@Lixxu>; Ok<br>[00:38] <@SandyPaws>; WOO<br>01[00:38] <@Lixxu>; go<br>01[00:38] <@Lixxu>; XD<br>[00:38] <@SandyPaws>; WAA<br>[00:38] <@SandyPaws>; WEE<br>[00:38] <@SandyPaws>; WOO<br>[00:38] <@SandyPaws>; WAA<br>[00:38] <@SandyPaws>; WEE<br>[00:38] <@SandyPaws>; WOO<br>[00:38] <@SandyPaws>; WAA<br>01[00:38] <@Lixxu>; SHWEET<br>01[00:38] <@Lixxu>; Ok<br>01[00:38] <@Lixxu>; XD<br>[00:38] <@SandyPaws>; WEE<br>01[00:38] <@Lixxu>; I like the way Java looks better<br>01[00:38] <@Lixxu>; D:<br>01[00:38] <@Lixxu>; Its more colorful<br>01[00:39] <@Lixxu>; D;<br>01[00:39] <@Lixxu>; and easier<br>01[00:39] <@Lixxu>; :/<br>[00:39] <@SandyPaws>; IM SO NAUGHTY<br>[00:39] <@SandyPaws>; I'm downloading it<br>[00:39] <@SandyPaws>; xD
  • 01[04:53] <@Lizzu>; XD<br>[04:53] <SnadyPaws> M..I..D..D..Y..'s name<br>[04:53] <SnadyPaws> on the list<br>[04:53] <SnadyPaws> it cuts off<br>[04:53] <SnadyPaws> so it says<br>[04:53] <SnadyPaws> M..idnight_Moo<br>01[04:53] <@Lizzu>; XDD<br>01[04:53] <@Lizzu>; MOO<br>01[04:53] <@Lizzu>; Run, run like you do<br>01[04:53] <@Lizzu>; I'm chasing you<br>[04:53] <SnadyPaws> xD<br>01[04:54] <@Lizzu>; I'm on your tail I'm gaining faster, going no where<br>[04:54] <SnadyPaws> You've got me on mah toes<br>01[04:54] <@Lizzu>; Try to fix what youve done<br>01[04:54] <@Lizzu>; turn back the sun<br>[04:54] <SnadyPaws> SUN<br>01[04:54] <@Lizzu>; night is calling and we're falling faster now<br>01[04:54] <@Lizzu>; *drop*<br>01[04:54] <@Lizzu>; SQUWEEE<br>[04:54] <SnadyPaws> pushin me away<br>01[04:54] <@Lizzu>; push push<br>01[04:54] <@Lizzu>; pushin me away<br>[04:54] <SnadyPaws> pushin me awaaaaaaaaaaay<br>01[04:54] <@Lizzu>; HARD TO KEEP UP<br>01[04:54] <@Lizzu>; XD<br>[04:54] <SnadyPaws> *angel noise*<br>01[04:54] <@Lizzu>; XDD<br>[04:54] <SnadyPaws> I eat pants for breakfast<br>07[04:54] <SnadyPaws> LIx<br>01[04:55] <@Lizzu>; XD<br>[04:55] <SnadyPaws> I'm worried..<br>01[04:55] <@Lizzu>; Whys?<br>[04:55] <SnadyPaws> the bamboo won't talk to me..<br>01[04:55] <@Lizzu>; HAHAHAHAHA<br>01[04:55] <@Lizzu>; XD<br>[04:55] <SnadyPaws> xD<br>01[04:55] <@Lizzu>; I REMEMBER THAT<br>01[04:55] <@Lizzu>; XD
  • And yet another one of our crazy times... all in the same day XD<br><br>[05:03] <@SnadyPaws>; OMG<br>[05:03] <@SnadyPaws>; You dont<br>[05:03] <@SnadyPaws>; want to<br>[05:03] <@SnadyPaws>; know how<br>[05:03] <@SnadyPaws>; creepy that<br>[05:03] <@SnadyPaws>; laugh was<br>[05:03] <@SnadyPaws>; xD<br>01[05:03] <@Lizzu>; XD<br>01[05:03] <@Lizzu>; was it like<br>[05:03] <@SnadyPaws>; it was like<br>[05:03] <@SnadyPaws>; ehehehehe<br>01[05:04] <@Lizzu>; HEEEHAAAHOOOHAAAHEEBADAAAH<br>[05:04] <@SnadyPaws>; NO<br>01[05:04] <@Lizzu>; XDDDDDDD<br>[05:04] <@SnadyPaws>; xD<br>01[05:04] <@Lizzu>; I just<br>01[05:04] <@Lizzu>; almost<br>01[05:04] <@Lizzu>; fell off my chair<br>[05:04] <@SnadyPaws>; I just did that laugh xD<br>01[05:04] <@Lizzu>; alughing<br>01[05:04] <@Lizzu>; I must be over-tired<br>01[05:04] <@Lizzu>; XD<br>01[05:04] <@Lizzu>; *laughing<br>01[05:04] <@Lizzu>; omg<br>[05:04] <@SnadyPaws>; I'm laughing that laugh<br>07[05:04] <@SnadyPaws>; [04:49] <@Lizzu>; HEEEHAAAHOOOHAAAHEEBADAAAH<br>[05:04] <@SnadyPaws>; ahaha<br>[05:04] <@SnadyPaws>; I enjoy mirc so much I copy and paste everything I find funny<br>[05:04] <@SnadyPaws>; xD<br>[05:04] <@SnadyPaws>; !k<br>03[05:04] * SnadyPaws was kicked by cHaOs (Requested (SnadyPaws))<br>03[05:04] * SnadyPaws (<a href="" target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>) has joined #RainbowDelux<br>07[05:04] <@cHaOs>; [SnadyPaws] [04:40] <SnadyPaws> Lix. [04:40] <@Lizzu>; XD [04:40] <SnadyPaws> I'm worried.. [04:40] <@Lizzu>; Whys? [04:40] <SnadyPaws> the bamboo won't talk to me..<br>03[05:04] * cHaOs sets mode: +ao SnadyPaws SnadyPaws<br>01[05:04] <@Lizzu>; moms gonna ask what time I went to bed and I'ma be like, "Eh.. 2.. or..3" then burst out laughing<br>01[05:04] <@Lizzu>; XD<br>07[05:05] <@SnadyPaws>; [04:49] <@Lizzu>; HEEEHAAAHOOOHAAAHEEBADAAAH<br>01[05:05] <@Lizzu>; XD<br>01[05:05] <@Lizzu>; STOP<br>01[05:05] <@Lizzu>; YOU MAKING ME<br>01[05:05] <@Lizzu>; LAUGHING<br>01[05:05] <@Lizzu>; LIKE A MAD WOMAN<br>01[05:05] <@Lizzu>; XD<br>[05:05] <@SnadyPaws>; I had to put my face in a blanket to stop the laughter<br>[05:05] <@SnadyPaws>; xD<br>01[05:05] <@Lizzu>; XD<br>[05:05] <@SnadyPaws>; kk<br>[05:05] <@SnadyPaws>; I'ma dance<br>01[05:05] <@Lizzu>; XD<br>06[05:05] * @SnadyPaws dances<br>01[05:05] <@Lizzu>; ME TOO<br>01[05:05] <@Lizzu>; XD<br>[05:05] <@SnadyPaws>; actions are purple<br>[05:05] <@SnadyPaws>; :o<br>01[05:05] <@Lizzu>; To umm... BILL COSBY THEME<br>01[05:05] <@Lizzu>; XDDD<br>[05:05] <@SnadyPaws>; LMFAO<br>01[05:06] <@Lizzu>; wait<br>06[05:06] * @SnadyPaws dances to bill cosby theme<br>01[05:06] <@Lizzu>; I think that ish on in 8 mins<br>01[05:06] <@Lizzu>; XD<br>[05:06] <@SnadyPaws>; omg<br>01[05:06] <@Lizzu>; OH WELL<br>01[05:06] <@Lizzu>; XD<br>[05:06] <@SnadyPaws>; I has to go in 4 min<br>01[05:06] <@Lizzu>; I am still laughing<br>01[05:06] <@Lizzu>; XD<br>03[05:06] * SnadyPaws is now known as Sandy-ZzZz<br>01[05:06] <@Lizzu>; [04:49] <@Lizzu>; HEEEHAAAHOOOHAAAHEEBADAAAH
  • Teehee, Horse is Horse, Ludie is me, and Nobody is Evlon... lmao...<br><br>[01:34:00] <Ludie> Hi, Horse! <br>[01:34:03] <Horse> Hey Ludie xD <br>[01:34:12] <Nobody> lmao XD <br>[01:34:16] <Horse> Sorry 'bout leaving like that earlier xD <br>[01:34:18] <Nobody> pw change time <br>[01:34:20] <Horse> And who is Nobody D: <br>[01:34:27] <Ludie> I know how to do actions now... lmao xD And sorta lock nicknames... lmao xD <br>[01:34:29] <Nobody> nobody :3 <br>[01:34:29] <Horse> And yes D: <br>[01:34:31] <Ludie> Nobody is Evlon. <br>[01:34:35] <Horse> Ah. <br>[01:34:36] <Ludie> <br>[01:34:38] <Nobody> sush <br>[01:34:55] you ruind my mystique <br>[01:35:00] *ruined <br>[01:35:04] <Ludie> Ooh... sorreh. <br>[01:35:43] <Nobody> XD <br>[01:35:54] you see when some one ask who nobody is XD <br>[01:35:54] <Ludie> O.O <br>[01:35:59] <Nobody> its all <br>[01:36:06] nobody is nobody XD <br>[01:36:14] <Ludie> Lmao! That is true. <br>[01:36:19] <Nobody> XD <br>[01:36:38] I needs to get a bike <br>[01:36:40] or something <br>[01:36:43] <Ludie> But if nobody is nobody, nobody is nowhere... <br>[01:36:45] <Horse> I was actually expecting that.. xD <br>[01:36:50] <Nobody> yup XD <br>[01:36:52] <Ludie> Which means nobody is not here. <br>[01:36:55] Lol! <br>[01:36:59] <Nobody> nope not at all <br>[01:37:12] you are just hallucinating again! <br>[01:37:23] <Ludie> ........O.o <br>[01:37:44] <Nobody> its the net addiction kicking in again <br>[01:37:48] <Ludie> I see... my hallucination... <br>[01:37:51] lmao xD
  • ...earlier that same day...<br><br>[00:42:28] <Rugar> What's the html code for putting a link on a layout?<br>[00:42:46] <tommybrady> i will attempt to sleep in 20 mins XD<br>[00:42:51] <Evlon> <a href="URL">TEXT</a><br>[00:42:56] <Rugar> Thankies :D<br>[00:43:00] <Evlon> replace caps accordingly<br>[00:43:02] np<br>[00:43:04] <Rugar> I know<br>[00:43:05] lol<br>[00:43:13] <Evlon> <- does CSS & HTML XD<br>[00:43:28] yush but if I dun tell you you will ask<br>[00:43:34] and then I have to be all<br>[00:43:38] <Rugar> I've been working with HTML for awhile, it's just I can never remember the link code. I know the one for images and such, but yeah<br>[00:43:43] <Evlon> the url is this and such<br>[00:43:47] <Rugar> CSS is hard for me to get the hang of, but I'm workin with it.<br>[00:43:47] lol<br>[00:43:52] <Evlon> and the text is that and this XD<br>[00:43:59] I love the css<br>[00:44:14] and loathe it XD<br>[00:44:40] <Rugar> lol<br>[00:44:44] <Evlon> (loathe is extreme dislike/displeasure ify)<br>[00:44:45] <Rugar> That's sorta how it is for me too at this point<br>[00:45:06] <Evlon> just because even m0r3 ask what loathe means XD<br>[00:45:34] <tommybrady> :P<br>[00:46:20] <Evlon> I wants to throw a thesaurus at them and be all 'look it ups yourself you lazy people!'<br>[00:46:32] then I get what is a thesaurus?<br>[00:46:33] <Rugar> lol<br>[00:46:35] I know what it means<br>[00:46:41] <Evlon> and I hug my /ignore XD<br>[00:47:00] <Rugar> wow, didnt know you could say that word.<br>[00:47:17] <Evlon> you can is there is something infront<br>[00:47:24] useful for giving people commands<br>[00:47:33] you can even use a space:<br>[00:47:40] /ignore comand<br>[00:47:42] <Rugar> lol<br>[00:47:45] <Evlon> see?<br>[00:47:49] <Rugar> I'm talking about the word.<br>[00:47:50] lol<br>[00:47:52] Not the ignore thing<br>[00:47:56] <Evlon> oh XD<br>[00:48:08] <Rugar> lol<br>[00:48:14] -->| Ludicrous (<a href="" target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>) has joined #virtualpups<br>[00:48:24] <StetsonHat> 6mill banner contest. :D <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>[00:48:38] <Evlon> you say 'forward slash ignore' and turn up the music player<br>[00:48:40] <tommybrady> ludicrous :D<br>[00:48:42] <Evlon> trust me!<br>[00:48:44] <Ludicrous> Back! Lol.<br>[00:48:47] <Evlon> works all the time :D<br>[00:48:50] * tommybrady tackles<br>[00:48:53] <Rugar> yus!!<br>[00:48:53] lol<br>[00:49:10] <Ludicrous> O.o<br>[00:49:12] <Evlon> you should try it next time XD<br>[00:49:25] <tommybrady> and you catch me when im about to go XD<br>[00:49:29] <Ludicrous> Omg.<br>[00:49:33] <tommybrady> yeS?<br>[00:49:58] <Evlon> luna missed the mostawesomeextermebestever convo about stupid uneducated people<br><br>(now some of you may not have caught the /ignore fail on my part, but hey! its 1 Am XD )
    Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.
  • <@SandyPaws>; BYE KROEY<br>[20:51] <@krolak>; BYES<br>[20:51] <@krolak>; BYES<br>[20:51] <@krolak>; BYES<br>[20:51] <@krolak>; BYES<br>[20:51] <@krolak>; BYES<br>[20:51] <@krolak>; BYES<br>[20:51] <@SandyPaws>; BYE<br>[20:51] <@SandyPaws>; BYE<br>[20:51] <@krolak>; o.o<br>[20:51] <@SandyPaws>; BYE<br>[20:51] <@Grapple>; BYE BYE KRO!<br>[20:51] <@SandyPaws>; BYE<br>[20:51] <@SandyPaws>; ILU<br>[20:51] <@Grapple>; BAIII<br>[20:51] <@Grapple>; ILUUUU<br>[20:51] <@krolak>; BYE BYE FRAPGRAP<br>[20:51] <@krolak>; =O<br>[20:51] <@krolak>; O=<br>[20:51] <@Grapple>; =o<br>[20:51] <@SandyPaws>; BYE BYE KROEY<br>[20:51] <@krolak>; ILU SNAD<br>[20:51] <@SandyPaws>; ILU KROEY<br>[20:51] <@krolak>; ILU FRAPGRAP<br>[20:52] <@krolak>; ILU2 SNA<br>[20:52] <@krolak>; D<br>[20:52] <@Grapple>; this is the longest good bye<br>[20:52] <@Grapple>; EVAR!<br>[20:52] <@SandyPaws>; YES<br>[20:52] <@Grapple>; ILU KRO!<br>[20:52] <@SandyPaws>; IT IS<br>[20:52] <@SandyPaws>; BYE<br>[20:52] <@krolak>; ILU GRAP<br>[20:52] <@Grapple>; WAIT!<br>[20:52] <@krolak>; BYE<br>[20:52] <@krolak>; WHAT?<br>[20:52] <@Grapple>; WHO'S LEAVING!?!<br>[20:52] <@Grapple>; AHHHHHH!<br>[20:52] <@krolak>; O.O<br>[20:52] <@krolak>; ME!<br>[20:52] <@Grapple>; AHHHHHHH!<br>[20:52] <@SandyPaws>; KRO IS LEAVING<br>[20:52] <@Grapple>; OHH<br>[20:52] <@SandyPaws>; AHHHHHHHHHHHH<br>[20:52] <@SandyPaws>; AHHHH<br>[20:52] <@Grapple>; AHHHHHHHHHHHH!<br>[20:52] <@SandyPaws>; AHHHHHHHHHH!<br>[20:52] <@Grapple>; omg<br>[20:52] <@Grapple>; this needs to go on that<br>[20:52] <@Grapple>; post thing<br>[20:52] <@Grapple>; ..<br>[20:52] <@Grapple>; what's it called?<br>[20:52] <@SandyPaws>; the<br>[20:52] <@Grapple>; with the funny quotes?<br>[20:52] <@Grapple>; WE NEED TO MAKE IT MORE FUNNIER!<br>[20:52] <@Grapple>; wait<br>[20:53] <@SandyPaws>; funny chat logs<br>[20:53] <@Grapple>; ARRRRRHHHH!<br>[20:53] <@Grapple>; yeah<br>[20:53] <@Grapple>; that!<br>[20:53] <@SandyPaws>; I has it<br>[20:53] <@krolak>; o.o<br>[20:53] <@krolak>; huh<br>[20:53] <@krolak>; ?<br>[20:53] <@Grapple>; :D<br>[20:53] <@Grapple>; :D<br>[20:53] <@Grapple>; :D<br>[20:53] <@SandyPaws>; I WILL MEOW AT YOU<br>[20:53] <@SandyPaws>; I SWEAR<br>[20:53] <@SandyPaws>; I WILL DO IT<br>[20:53] <@Grapple>; OKIES!<br>[20:53] <@Grapple>; I;LL DO IT!<br>[20:53] <@Grapple>; I'LL DO IT!<br>[20:53] <@Grapple>; fail.<br>[20:53] <@krolak>; O.o<br>[20:53] <@krolak>; do what!?!?<br>[20:53] <@Grapple>; I DON'T KNOW!!<br>07[20:53] <@SandyPaws>; MEOW AT YOU<br>07[20:53] <@SandyPaws>; I WILL MEOW AT YOU<br>[20:54] <@krolak>; O=<br>[20:54] <@krolak>; -O<br>[20:54] <@krolak>; FAIL<br>[20:54] <@Grapple>; MEAOW?!<br>[20:54] <@krolak>; AGAIN<br>[20:54] <@Grapple>; MEADOW!?<br>[20:54] <@krolak>; ARG!<br>07[20:54] <@SandyPaws>; MEOW<br>[20:54] <@krolak>; BYES!<br>[20:54] <@Grapple>; MERINGUE PIE?!<br>[20:54] <@krolak>; BYES!<br>[20:54] <@krolak>; BYES!<br>[20:54] <@krolak>; BYES!<br>[20:54] <@krolak>; BYES!<br>07[20:54] <@SandyPaws>; BYES<br>[20:54] <@krolak>; ILU!<br>07[20:54] <@SandyPaws>; !<br>07[20:54] <@SandyPaws>; !<br>[20:54] <@krolak>; ILU!<br>[20:54] <@krolak>; ILU!<br>07[20:54] <@SandyPaws>; !<br>07[20:54] <@SandyPaws>; !<br>[20:54] <@krolak>; ILU!<br>[20:54] <@krolak>; ILU!<br>[20:54] <@Grapple>; BYEEEE<br>[20:54] <@krolak>; ILU!<br>[20:54] <@krolak>; ILU!<br>[20:54] <@Grapple>; ILU!<br>[20:54] <@krolak>; ILU!<br>[20:54] <@Grapple>; ILU!<br>[20:54] <@krolak>; ILU!<br>07[20:54] <@SandyPaws>; ILU<br>[20:54] <@krolak>; ILU!<br>07[20:54] <@SandyPaws>; ILU!<br>[20:54] <@krolak>; ILU!<br>07[20:54] <@SandyPaws>; ILU!<br>[20:54] <@Grapple>; I LOVE MEEE!<br>[20:54] <@krolak>; ILU2!<br>07[20:54] <@SandyPaws>; xD<br>07[20:54] <@SandyPaws>; I LOVE GRAPPEY<br>[20:54] <@Grapple>; omg!<br>[20:54] <@krolak>; =o<br>[20:54] <@krolak>; o=<br>[20:54] <@Grapple>; i love me too!<br>[20:54] <@krolak>; =o=<br>07[20:54] <@SandyPaws>; :O<br>[20:54] <@krolak>; fail<br>07[20:54] <@SandyPaws>; NO WAY<br>[20:54] <@krolak>; XD<br>[20:54] <@Grapple>; WHAT A COINCIDENCE!<br>[20:54] <@krolak>; =o<br>07[20:54] <@SandyPaws>; I KNOW!<br>[20:54] <@krolak>; BYE!<br>[20:54] <@krolak>; ILU!<br>07[20:54] <@SandyPaws>; BYE!<br>[20:54] <@krolak>; ILU!<br>[20:54] <@Grapple>; BYE!<br>[20:54] <@krolak>; =o<br>[20:54] <@krolak>; ILU!<br>07[20:54] <@SandyPaws>; ILU!<br>[20:54] <@Grapple>; ILU!<br>[20:54] <@krolak>; BYE!<br>[20:54] <@krolak>; ILU!<br>[20:54] <@krolak>; BYE!<br>[20:54] <@krolak>; ILU!<br>[20:54] <@krolak>; BYE!<br>[20:54] <@Grapple>; DO YOU REALLY HAVE TO GO?!<br>[20:54] <@krolak>; ok<br>[20:54] <@krolak>; bye<br>[20:55] <@Grapple>; OH<br>07[20:55] <@SandyPaws>; BYE!<br>[20:55] <@krolak>; xD D: yes<br>[20:55] <@Grapple>; SHE WASN'T KIDDING<br>[20:55] <@krolak>; i sory<br>[20:55] <@krolak>; **sorry<br>[20:55] <@krolak>; o.o<br>[20:55] <@krolak>; me?<br>[20:55] <@krolak>; damn it >.<<br>[20:55] <@Grapple>; I DON'T KNOW!<br>[20:55] <@Grapple>; FAIL!<br>[20:55] <@krolak>; DISTRACTIONS<br>[20:55] <@krolak>; ARG<br>07[20:55] <@SandyPaws>; OMG<br>07[20:55] <@SandyPaws>; On that post<br>[20:55] <@Grapple>; YUS?<br>07[20:55] <@SandyPaws>; it's gonna be the longest one XD<br>[20:55] <@Grapple>; YEAH..<br>07[20:55] <@SandyPaws>; I'll go post it<br>[20:55] <@Grapple>; IT SURE IS<br>[20:55] <@Grapple>; OKAY!<br>[20:55] <@Grapple>; CAUSE.. I CAN'T COPY<br>[20:55] <@krolak>; WOOT<br>[20:55] <@Grapple>; AND PAST<br>[20:55] <@krolak>; D:<br>[20:55] <@Grapple>; AND WHAT NOT<br>[20:55] <@Grapple>; PAST?!<br>[20:55] <@Grapple>; OMG GRAPPLE<br>[20:55] <@krolak>; WTH AMI STIL HERE FOR!?<br>[20:55] <@krolak>; BYES!<br>[20:55] * @krolak Quit (i gots.................. ISSUES! wOOt! :)" alt=">:)" height="20" /><br><br>We think this might be the longest goodbye ever..xD It's giant..sorry bout that. xD
  • 01[17:07] <@krolak>; o.o<br>01[17:07] <@krolak>; OMFG<br>01[17:08] <@krolak>; !<br>01[17:08] <@krolak>; OMFG<br>01[17:08] <@krolak>; !<br>01[17:08] <@krolak>; OMFG<br>01[17:08] <@krolak>; !<br>01[17:08] <@krolak>; IDEA<br>01[17:08] <@krolak>; =o<br>01[17:08] <@krolak>; o=<br>01[17:08] <@krolak>; MUST<br>01[17:08] <@krolak>; MAKE<br>01[17:08] <@krolak>; BANNER<br>01[17:08] <@krolak>; !<br>01[17:08] <@krolak>; XD<br>[17:08] <@Blueyy>; o.o<br>[17:09] <@a-sap>; xD<br>[17:09] <@Blueyy>; D:<br>[17:09] <@Blueyy>; i am bored. D:<br>[17:10] <@a-sap>; D:<br>01[17:18] <@krolak>; =o<br>01[17:18] <@krolak>; uploading banner<br>01[17:18] <@krolak>; xD<br>[17:19] <@Blueyy>; Yay! She agreed to do layout! XD<br>01[17:20] <@krolak>; <a href="¤t=skillzbanner.jpg"; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... banner.jpg</a><br>01[17:20] <@krolak>; :P<br>[17:20] <@Blueyy>; WOOHOO! WE GOT SKILLS! XD<br>01[17:20] <@krolak>; NU UH<br>01[17:20] <@krolak>; !<br>01[17:21] <@krolak>; WE HAS...<br>01[17:21] <@krolak>; SKILLZ<br>01[17:21] <@krolak>; WITH A CAPITAL Z<br>[17:21] <@Blueyy>; Fine. :P<br>01[17:21] <@krolak>; xD<br>[17:21] <@Blueyy>; Be that way. xD<br>01[17:21] <@krolak>; D;<br>[17:21] <@Blueyy>; xD<br>[17:21] <@Blueyy>; SKILLZ, home skillet biscuits! XD<br>01[17:21] <@krolak>; i dont know how to get it so i can add this banner to my other 2 siggy;s<br>01[17:22] <@krolak>; **siggy's<br>01[17:22] <@krolak>; lmfao<br>01[17:22] <@krolak>; BLUEY<br>01[17:22] <@krolak>; KNOW<br>01[17:22] <@krolak>; THE<br>01[17:22] <@krolak>; CODE<br>01[17:22] <@krolak>; FOR<br>01[17:22] <@krolak>; IT<br>01[17:22] <@krolak>; ?<br>01[17:22] <@krolak>; D:<br>[17:22] <@Blueyy>; no :P<br>01[17:24] <@krolak>; xD<br>[17:24] <@Blueyy>; :P<br>01[17:24] <@krolak>; =o the banner can be used by sappeh and bluey too o.o<br>[17:24] <@Blueyy>; o.o<br>[17:24] <@Blueyy>; WE GOT SKILLZ!<br>01[17:24] <@krolak>; VERY MUCH SO!<br>01[17:24] <@krolak>; xD<br>[17:25] <@Blueyy>; OH YEAH!<br>[17:25] <@Blueyy>; WOOHOO!<br>[17:25] <@Blueyy>; XD<br>01[17:25] <@krolak>; XD<br>01[17:25] <@krolak>; D<br>01[17:25] <@krolak>; FAIL<br>01[17:25] <@krolak>; D:<br>01[17:25] <@krolak>; **XDD<br>[17:25] <@Blueyy>; xD
  • <span style="font-size:92">Ahaha. Wow. <br><br><@Afterlife>; : D<br><@Afterlife>; My greet pwns<br><@Blueyy>; o.o<br><@Blueyy>; xD<br><@Luzu>; MINE IS LIKE... SNAD<br><@Luzu>; >: D<br><@Luzu>; BECAUSE<br><@Luzu>; the bamboo<br><@Luzu>; wont<br><@Afterlife>; Mine pwns.<br><@Luzu>; talk to<br><@Luzu>; Taco<br><@Luzu>; :D<br><@Luzu>; MINE PONES<br><@Luzu>; >:D<br><@Afterlife>; PWNAGE<br><@Blueyy>; I dun have one XD<br><@Luzu>; Poning ish better than Pwn<br><@Luzu>; ;P<br><@Afterlife>; Nu<br><@Luzu>; YES HUH<br><@Luzu>; Because<br><@Afterlife>; Pwn pwns.<br><@Blueyy>; o.o<br><@Luzu>; Pone pones pwn<br><@Luzu>; >: D<br><@Afterlife>; Pwn pwns pone.<br><@Blueyy>; Wierdos -hides-<br><@Luzu>; COPIER<br><@Luzu>; xD<br><br><br><br>o.o;</span>
    <span style="font-size: 10pt;">rLHC1jx.gif </span><div><span style="font-size: 10pt;">sophierue.png</span><span style="font-size: small;"> </span></div><div><span style="font-size: small;">oh I swear to ya, I'll be there for ya.
    10.31.10 ❤
  • <span style="font-size:92">Haha, ViVi I was like "o.o"<br><br><@Luzu>; Bluey<br><@Luzu>; what if I told you that I was a guy<br><@Luzu>; and I loved...LOVED Joe Jonas<br><@Luzu>; would you be disturbed?<br><@Blueyy>; o.o<br><@Blueyy>; Yes i would be disturbed<br><@Blueyy>; XD<br><@Blueyy>; Scarred for life XD<br><@Luzu>; Ok<br><@Luzu>; XD<br><@Luzu>; I AM A GUY<br><@Luzu>; :D<br><@Luzu>; and h/o<br><@Blueyy>; o.o<br><@Luzu>; XD<br><@Blueyy>; xD<br><@Luzu>; *gigglesnort*<br><@Luzu>; Hold on<br><@Blueyy>; Haha a guy doesn't gigglesnort<br><@Blueyy>; xD<br><@Luzu>; YUS I DO<br><@Luzu>; I AM...GAY! Thats why<br><@Luzu>; XD<br><@Blueyy>; XDDDD<br><br>Yush..<br>Proof that<br>Lix is strange. xD</span>
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