okay. so i have ALOT of free time on my hands and i am really pretty fast at Skill maxxing so i have decided to auction off 300 of them. They will be split up into four groups, two 100 skill maxxes, and 2 50 skill maxxes. however i am not so fast at stat maxing so that is NOT in the auction. below are the bids.<br>Group One: 100 Skill Maxxes (imports accepted)<br>SB: 1.5 milly<br>HB: ??<br>BIN: 15 milly<br><br>Group Two: 100 Skill Maxxes (no imports accepted)<br>SB: 1 milly<br>HB: ??<br>BIN: 13 milly<br><br>Group Three: 50 Skill Maxxes (imports accepted)<br>SB: 1 milly<br>HB: ??<br>BIN: 9 milly<br><br>Group Four: 50 Skill Maxxes (no imports accepted)<br>SB: 1 milly<br>HB: ??<br>BIN: 7 milly<br><br><br>The BINS are rather cheap for the number of trainings. But notice that some allow imports and others dont. =]<br>When bidding put (example) Group 3: 2 milly.<br>(that is if they ever reach 2 milly!)<br><br>This is a great deal and the trainings will be done fast. Each dog will USUALLY be done within 15 minutes, depending on the day)