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Would like to thank Nef...

for creating virtualpups in the first place xP<br>without wich i would have been sent to a horrible, horrible, miserable, non-obsessed life :3<br><br>and of course I would have never met any of my closest friends<br><br>Wheaty<br>Tara<br>Brat<br>Middeh<br>Dizz(the blue one)<br>Horse<br>Lizzard<br>Nellers<br>Rikka(aka Crabby)<br> and anyone thats been with me since the very beginning ^_^<br><br>I honestly don't know what I'd do without all of you :)<br><br>Love you all ^^<br>--Moony


  • MUAHAHA... You forgot Nelly.<br>BUT the same goes for me and the obsession :shock:
    If you've ordered anything, please be patient with me. Having volcano/ash troubles. Msg me for more info, and I'll get back to you asap!! Thankies!!
  • Muddy Paws wrote:
    MUAHAHA... You forgot Nelly.<br>BUT the same goes for me and the obsession :shock:
    <br><br>OMG :shock: I KNEW i forgot someone important! XDD<br><br>sowwy Nellers :3<br><br>*adds*
  • Gotta lurves Nef xD<br>W/o her, I would go crazy o.o
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
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