<br><br><br>damn it. i'm addicted as hell. every time i think of stopping my orders... i check back and you pour out some uber banners. <br><br>-needs to see some damn ugly banners to break her addiction- >.> <br><br>maybe i'll just make some myself! lol<br><br>BUT. I sent a 1m contract... so make me another. -evileviladdicted-<br><br>Colors: Blues, Greens, Yellows.<br>Headline: Surfer4Life<br>Subtext: Party hardy dudes!<br>Pictures: Female Surfers... or.. the general idea of it. <br>Payment: 500k<br><br>and just because i said i needed an ugly banner to break my addiction... dun listen to that. -craves- needs me my banners
Lmao, you're hilarious <br>-ish tempted to make up a bunch of ugly banners-<br><br>However I shall enjoy tormenting you in whatever way possible and do this banner as you wish.
-whimper-<br>I can't resist. But I dun have any idea for another banner. Oh well. xD<br>Heehee! <br><br>Colors: Dark Blue/Black/ Miserable colors.<br>Headline: No you don't know what it's like<br>When nothing feels all right<br>You don't know what it's like<br>To be like me<br><br>To be hurt<br>To feel lost<br>To be left out in the dark<br>To be kicked when you're down<br>To feel like you've been pushed around<br>To be on the edge of breaking down<br>And no one's there to save you <br>No you don't know what it's like<br>Welcome to my life<br><br>Subtext: N/A<br>Pictures: None, just brushes or somethin' like that. <br>Payment: >> << I dunno. xD
"Discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in New Eyes."
"Discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in New Eyes."