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edited July 2008 in Auction
Well, I don't really want to auction them, but there isn't really a place to put this post as 'for sale'. <br><br>So 2 upgrades are up for BIN via paypal, if you BIN before 7am EST on Friday, it will def. be paid for Friday 7/18/08. <br><br>If you BIN after, it will be paid for Sat. or Sun. (I try not to play this game at home).<br><br>SB (just play along here) 60M<br>BIN 60M<br><br>So really, 60M does it. Not accepting any other form of playcash (get it transfered through Orbis Worlds) gifties, trainings etc. <br><br>VPC playcash only.<br><br>This auction will cancel early Monday morning if there are no takers. <br><br>I reserve the right to ignore posts from anyone that has a history of retracting, not having enough VPC etc etc. <br><br>Will go through an OP unless you are a trusted friend.
It's just life. You'll get over it.


  • BiN on one.<br><br>Not really sure I want to make the commitment. It's 1am-kinda. O.o I'll tell you if I back out. But for now :D BiN lol.
  • I'll take the other, thanks!
  • Bin on one of them :)
  • They were both already taken.
  • I know but I was promised one a month ago through messages.She forget.So It's only fair that I get one :)
  • Starry wrote:
    I know but I was promised one a month ago through messages.She forget.So It's only fair that I get one :)
    <br><br>This is an auction. I BiN-ed and so did Zagari. It's only fair the -WE- get the accounts. I'm sorry but you'll have to contact the auction host ((Nutty McQuackedOut)) about it. Outside of this thread. <br><br>It's only fair, after all. >.>
  • I know.I messaged her :)
  • If you are taking this upgrade, is it safe to assume you drop out of my auction?
  • ugh. ok starry, at first i posted an unkind response on here in reference to the PMs you sent me, but it's just not in me to leave on this post how i really want to respond, so i'll say this and hope you let it rest.<br><br>you didn't win the used sponsor auction of mine that you initally bid on right? so when you asked if i could sell you an upgrade i said possibly later. right? right. since that time, i've had another used kennel for auction, and now these two upgrades. you had enough to BIN on any one of them, and you chose not to and that was your choice, but i certainly don't owe you a kennel. <br><br>and promise is a childish term that i know i would never use, especially not on this game.<br><br>what i do with my kennels, the amount i sell them for, and who i sell them to are all my choice, and threatening me certianly won't make me sell you anything.<br><br>anyhoo, zagari and sandpiper message me with your kennel id numbers and i'll pay for them tomorrow. i always use VooDoo, but if you have an OP you prefer to use just let me know. and thanks for the BINs.
    It's just life. You'll get over it.
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