Well right now we are taking care of 2 baby ducks. They are around 2 days old and their mom was hit by a car. we named them Huey and Duey. We were originally going to take them to the humane society but they said that they would be put to sleep if we did so instead we are going to take care of them. <br><br>Right now we have a cage set up for them that is HUGE. THe cage has little dishes of food (non-medicated chicken feed) and a dish of water with a rock in the center so they can still get at it but don't get wet (because they catch colds and die.) we also have bedding in there. <br><br>The space inbetween the bars was too big so we covered the outside in chicken wire so they can't get out. We also have a cat and a dog so we put them in a room just for themselves and keep the door closed. <br><br>We think we have it pretty well figured out but if anyone here has taken care of ducks before and would like to post some tips it would be helpful. We have looked up how to generally take care of them but I'm doing more research today.<br><br>Pics coming soon!<br><br>Thanks

Semper Fi.