My sister is an idiot. x3 She gets in these moods where she's all.. odd. Then she goes and cleans something. Like she has OCD or something. xD<br><br>Me: Mom?<br>Mom: Yeah?<br>Me: I'm going to google asylums in our area.<br>Mom: Why?<br>Me: *points at sister*<br>Sister: *knocks at the side of her head as if to get water, etc out*<br>Mom: Oh.<br>Sister: What is As-Eye-loom?<br>Me: Asy<span style="font-style:italic">lum</span>. It's a nut house. <br>Sister: You know.. That's kind of insulting to people who are actually in one or need to go to one.<br>Me: ... You're one of them.<br>Sister: Exactly!<br><br><br>Then we're researching intrusive/extrusive rocks and sedimentary rocks and things in school.. And we had to write a word describing whatever the rock/mineral or whatever starting with the same letter as the rock/mineral<br><br>Example:<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Diamond</span> Dazzling-Diamond<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Ruby</span> Radiant-Ruby<br><br>Things like that.<br>A few of my sister's.<br><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Limestone</span> Liquid-Limestone<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Sandstone</span> Sticky-Sandstone<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Metamorphic</span> Metamorphed-Metamorphic<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Mineral</span> Miny-Mineral<br><br>Then after we finish our school work, she starts a rant about how funnel cakes are good for your soul. O_o<br><br><br>I have a weird family. And I love it.
<br><br>This is not a rant, I'm just sharing with everyone.. That I am the most sane one in my family. How sad. x3
Semper Fi.