It's nice for a first time real nice. But mabey don't let the colors look alot alike because on my computer it looks like a blob unless i tilt my screen down.
ooo... damn that's purty. I guess we're gonna get some new schutz competition eh? >D<br><br>you have a typo in your siggy btw.<br><br>and... as for the pic...<br>It seems a bit blurry, as you cant see the details unless you look closely. <br><br>:D i dont know how to change that, as I'm not an artist. I'm only a customer o.o
i happen to think its perfect<br>:D<br>its colored like a GSD would be,<br>as for it being dark...<br>some dogs are darker colors<br>i think you nailed it<br>^^
... Beward the Schutzhund