Alright guys and gals, need some input here. <br><br>I'm trying to figure out a way to get more players to put nice layouts on their kennels instead of using billions of icons and surveys and polls to fill their layouts. So what I'm thinking is some kind of prize for good layouts. I'd like to keep it limited to novices, since they seem to be the ones with the most difficulty with this.<br><br>What I need from you is input on if you think this might work or not and if not, why and what do you think might work. What might be a good prize for the winners without breaking my meager bank? What would be a fair way of selecting the layouts to keep it from turning into a popularity contest? What kind of criteria should be judged? (Outside the rules against personal info and videos etc) and anything else you can think of.<br><br>Thanks in advance for any input.
<span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
<br>Readable text (no txt tlk.)<br>Making sure there are no linked kennels ('cause novices only get one)<br>Use of Royalty free images/Copyrights to the appropriate people (ie. the person they got it from or the site)<br>Color Combos? (Obviously Orange, Green, and Purple don't match)<br>making sure the scroll boxes don't go sideways 80million feet?<br><br>might add more ideas later.
Semper Fi.