<span style="font-size:75">Okay, here's the deal<br>I enter.<br>You tell me what colors you like.<br>I'll make the banner.<br>And you let me win.<br> Lol, just kidding.<br>By the way, just a ballpark of what colors you want, that's all. *It'll take me forever to decide otherwise!*<br></span>
<span style="font-size:75">Okay, here's the deal<br>I enter.<br>You tell me what colors you like.<br>I'll make the banner.<br>And you let me win.<br> Lol, just kidding.<br>By the way, just a ballpark of what colors you want, that's all. *It'll take me forever to decide otherwise!*<br></span>
<br><br>Well cough i said cough any cough cough. (haha i have a slight cold.) <br>Umm like well any.. But I like pink. But what ever you want its all up to you. Teals,greens,pinks,pretty colors haha like shades of blues or pinks or greens. lol stuff like that.
Para cant make her mind up as to which banner to put on here haha.. crazyy para
<span style="font-size:75">Okay, here's the deal<br>I enter.<br>You tell me what colors you like.<br>I'll make the banner.<br>And you let me win.<br> Lol, just kidding.<br>By the way, just a ballpark of what colors you want, that's all. *It'll take me forever to decide otherwise!*<br></span>
<br><br>Well cough i said cough any cough cough. (haha i have a slight cold.) <br>Umm like well any.. But I like pink. But what ever you want its all up to you. Teals,greens,pinks,pretty colors haha like shades of blues or pinks or greens. lol stuff like that.
<br><br><span style="font-size:75">Okay, thank you. I'll get on it ASAP (even though I won't win, anyway...)<br> </span>
<span style="font-size:75">Great banners so far. Please keep entering. I want one that makes me go wow. Or well a couple that make me go wow.<br><br>Also im leaving to the hospital Im not sure how long i will be gone (hince the Aug 1st) as deadline. (if i for some reason have to stay then I will judge when i get home. )<br><br>Also can someone keep this bumped up for me. Id appreciate that so much.<br>Thanks in advance.</span>
Para cant make her mind up as to which banner to put on here haha.. crazyy para
Ok great banners soo far..<br>If anyone else wants to enter i will extend the ending date a few days.<br>So let me know if anyone else is gonna enter<br><br>thanks.
Para cant make her mind up as to which banner to put on here haha.. crazyy para
... Beward the Schutzhund
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
Fuzwig Banners: http://virtualpups.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=65843
Fuzwig Adoptables: http://virtualpups.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=67350