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2008 The Year It Started;;

<span style="font-size:92">My 2008 has proved very different for me and has held a lot of surprises;<br>Some of them have been good.<br>While others haven’t been so good at all.<br>Let’s start with some of the biggest events right now.<br><br>- My sister was diagnosed with Autism which flipped out world upside down but I have come to find out it was actually a good thing instead of the bad after months of dealing with it. Seeing her improve and be able to act like a real kid has shown me that.<br>- My little brother I have wanted every day since I could talk was finally given to me. Even though their were a few complications at first he grew out of them and is now succeeding higher then most for his young age and is quite strong and is absolutely my little angel; he turned four months yesterday.<br>- I started the year of eighth grade with mixed emotions but overall the year turned out as the icing on my cake before high school.<br>- Together in Publications we created a successful Yearbook and Newspaper. I actually was the one who designed the cover and theme which I am very proud of.<br>- I fell for a few guys at the beginning of the year and broke up with them all; a new guy came at the end and ended up breaking my heart. It was just karma right there and I will admit I deserved it; we are still good friends.<br>- I got Honor Roll every nine weeks this year which I am extremely proud of.<br>- I made a few friends and learned not to trust some at school.<br>- I made some amazing vp friends that some I would even call Best friends. <br>- Our family was able to make it through the year with happiness even in debt in a way that made me even feel like we were actually rich and not in the negatives.<br>- Court has taken a better turn recently and after five years of battling with trying to not see my biological father my wish might actually come true.<br>- I lost a few friends that were in a grade older then me which included my first serious relationship ex-boyfriend. We had stayed friends for a long time afterwards but finally we decided it was to strange between us.<br>- I have came to love my family more then I have ever thought I would and I now appreciate my parent’s so much more.<br>- I’ve learned just because it’s the cool thing doesn’t mean it’s the right thing.<br>- Peer pressure no longer bothers me at all no matter who is doing the pressuring which has been useful to me this year on many occasions.<br>- I’ve learned sometimes you just have to say no.<br>- Some of my family members have made bad decisions this year but going against them would only make them worse; so instead I have learned to comfort them.<br>- This year I gave a lot of advice to people no matter if it was at a website or just friends at school; I have helped many not do things that would have ruined their reputation and lives.<br><br>This year I did a lot of growing up. Maybe not psychically but mentally by far. I might not be that old and sometimes not that smart in school and on other things but I have tried my hardest to become a better person and to act above my age. I wish many more years of good memories and just forgetting the bad ones; I can only await 2009.</span>
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