This year has been quite different, if I say so myself. It had its good times, rarely, and it's bad times which happened all the time. Memories have been made and regrets have been burned. Friends were made and some just drifted away. But that's life, right? <br><br><span style="font-style:italic">Stop & Stare </span><br><br> I knew what this year held pretty much, it held lots of pain for sure. I took some falls but I rose high. Oh yes I did the right thing. I didn't hide no more lies and told the truth most of the time, I am happy with that. Yet I regret telling the truth, since it didn't turn out the best. ....<br><br><span style="font-style:italic">I think I'm moving but I go nowhere </span><br><br> Slowly, I am making the world I want, which people would love and hate. I am making the place I want to see, live, hear, and breathe, inch by inch. Even though I had to give something up I really wanted, I am making my world. It's the price that needed to be paid. Never would have thought I would've lost my dream. If I knew the loss I would have, I think I would've never changed anything. But that's how life works for me, works in hidden snares and traps.....<br><span style="font-style:italic"><br> Yeah, I know everyone gets scared </span><br><br>Sometimes I wish I could into the past and live then since I didn't worry about anything. Everything was full of fun, childish hopes, and scrapes. Now it turned into Stress, drama, and changes which I am not use to. I sometimes feel like I did something wrong or a freak accident happened somewhere in the past. But I made my decisions and nothing can be changed, they left now. Well from what I think since I never heard from them yet. I just wonder why that every time something good happens, something worse happens but doubled. It bothers me really. I see the person behind my eyes and buried deep into my mind, they had infected my mind and now turned into a disease. My mouth gets dry and I feel weak, it's nothing new really.....<br><br><span style="font-style:italic">I've become what I can't be </span><br><br> I'm finally done with stressing and crying around for something going around. I got tired of feeling sorry for myself, tired of thinking of what-ifs. I believe my old-self had already been burned away and now I am re-growing into a better me. I have spoken my mind on some things and it feels good not worrying about things being un-said. But some people probably won't like this part of me, especially one person. I have confidence on what I am doing and the past has finally leaked fully out of me and stopped plaguing my dreams. Yet, in the darkest corner of my mind, I hate this part of me, because I lost something which gave me influence to change.....<br><br><span style="font-style:italic">Ooh, do you see what I see....</span><br><br>Everyone has their different opinions and perspectives; I give thumbs up to all of them. We need pain to push us in the direction we need to go, it's pushing me to a different path which rivals most peoples paths. Some people can't understand it, but most people don't mind it. They see the lone cloud in the sky; I see the independence it holds. To make you're world the way you want it, you will have to make sacrifices. I made one sacrifice already and I am moving onto the next to continue the progress of completing my objective. But I still wish to recover the lost dream that left on its own free will. I am not going to chase it like the previous years but if it was meant to still be attached with me with the continuing years, it will come back to me. But if it doesn't....I will still cherish it secretly behind my sleeping eyes and imaginary world that lurks in my mind, never to be told.....<br><br>-Shay<br><br><br> Ok this is my 2008 story, lmao. I felt like I needed to post it and I have already started a story of some sort to enjoy with my extra time. Erm, yeah!

Post whatever you want, comments, encourage me, er anything you want to desire really, Luffs <br><span style="color:red">Y</span><span style="color:orange">o</span><span style="color:yellow">u</span><span style="color:green">n</span><span style="color:blue">g</span><span style="color:indigo">~</span>

"Discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in New Eyes."
Semper Fi.
"Discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in New Eyes."
Semper Fi.
"Discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in New Eyes."
Semper Fi.