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Thanks, Guys.

<span style="font-weight:bold">Kite:</span> You've really helped me this year. A lot. You help me keep my mind off the bad stuff going on in this horrible thing called life. And you make it more enjoyable for me.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Jazz:</span> We haven't talked much recently. Where have you been!? You a goofball and you make my computer crash when we have shock contests. But you are awesome.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">3Eagles:</span> You helped me so much with Auzzy and after him. With Ray and with his food picking. Thanks so much for being my friend.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Anastasia:</span> You've also been very kind to me. Especially the kind gift of the import and dye. I could never repay you for the kindness of that. Thank you.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Boz:</span> You're so kind! You're so mellow and you listen and reach out a hand to others.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Doodle and Tarnish:</span> You guys are amazing RPGers and I love you guys. You both are improving at art so much. What else can I say? You're awesome!<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Jasper:</span> My first real friend, ever. We've been friends for four years come October. Can you believe it!? Thanks for your help with everything. I luff ya.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Mosseh:</span> You are THE most serious goofball I've ever heard of/met. 'nuff said.<br><br><br><br>School time. D: Gotta go. Still editting though. ^^


  • Lol I like how you listed us as a pair. :D<br><br><br>Thank you so much Dreamy. You are quite the rpger and artist yourself. :)
  • Lirl. Is that a good like? Or a bad like. I sat staring at the screen for ten minutes deciding. I had basically the same thing to say to both of you. And I always got you guys mixed up because of your banners. -___- I look at banners before the names. O_O<br><br>Yeah. xD And thanks. <3
  • :(<br>you dont love me...<br>haha!<br>im kidding,<br>these really are all great people<br>('cept box) :lol: <br>just kidding i love my bozzerino<br><br>you should add yourself to that list,<br>your awsome!<br>^^

  • It's a good thing. Me and Doodle are quite the pair! :D <br><br>Thanks Dreamy. =DD
  • Lolo's awesome too. I just haven't chatted with you much. ^^<br><br>Indeed you are!
  • awwh, this is so nice or -cute- (?) x3<br><br>
    Dreamland wrote:
    <br><span style="font-weight:bold">Jasper:</span> My first real friend, ever. We've been friends for four years come October. Can you believe it!? Thanks for your help with everything. I luff ya.
    <br><br>Ahh okay, I thought you too knew each other but I wasn't exactly sure. I see one of your kennels somewhere says "Jasper" in the playername/kennelname, (?) and I always got so confused who was who xD <br><br>But now I know, thank goodness, I won't be confused anymore hehe xP x3
  • xDDD I named it after her when she left VP for a while. ^^<br><br>Shoot! I was so gonna add you for being patient. I was like "Ruffian.. Ruffian" xD But.. Alas. Shall I add you?
  • Dreamland wrote:
    Lolo's awesome too. I just haven't chatted with you much. ^^<br><br>Indeed you are!
    <br><br>:)<br>i see

  • <span style="font-size:92">You are awesome at art as well :D<br>Didn't see this earlier *prods her own brain*<br>Thanks for putting me and Tarn together x3<br>Makes me all warm and fuzzy hehe.<br>*hugs*</span>
  • Mmm.. Warm and fuzzy. What was that quote...<br><br>"A friendship is like peeing on yourself. Everybody can see it, but only you can feel the warm feeling it gives you inside."<br><br><br><br>xD
  • <span style="font-size:92">Rofl.<br>In 4th grade our Counselor called giving people a nice comment a 'warm fuzzy.'<br>And a bad comment to someone was dubbed a 'cold prickly.'<br><br>x3<br>Had to share that.<br>Hehe.</span>
  • That'd be kinda creepy O_o
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