I have four National dogs!<br>For the first time ever! <br>:]<br><br>Look at the gorgeousness in this kennel:<br><a href="
http://www.virtualpups.com/index.php?r=kennel/view&id=86354" target="_blank" class="bb-url">
http://www.virtualpups.com/index.php?r=kennel/view&id=86354</a><br><br>I love the layout, I love the banner, I love the dogs...<br>It's all just working out great. <br><br>And now they're at National level!<br>Big props to dogtrainer101 for showing them exactly to specifications while I was gone for three weeks. The are almost championssssssssss<br><br>Sorry. It's almost 1:30, I've been up since 3:30 AM, traveling interationally all day...I'm a little loopy XD<br><br>But still. This is super exciting.<br>I am so the next dominator of the showing scene.<br><br>I wish XD
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