<span style="font-size:75">I'm immature. I know. Leave me alone. I long for a friend and support in real life and it has let me down every time. This is a personal writing and I'd appreciate it if you didn't bash me on it. This is for mental support I need Nothing else. I'm not answering my messages. I'm quite sure I know I know and have debts. And I'm trying hard to pay them back.</span><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>Dear Mom.. And Dad too,<br><br> <br><br> I'm about to ask a question you've heard before. Can we get another dog? I've hinted and asked before. And many were flat out jokes. I think I've only really hinted or asked about five times. The rest, like I said, were jokes. I have a reason behind this though. Not longing for a dog like with/before Auzzy. Not missing owning a dog like with Bella. I really and truly want a friend. I haven't had the best experience with friends so far, as you know. Emily wasn't great. My friends from school didn't care enough to call me back. Most others I know are at least two years younger than me. I know we are going to be meeting with the family of fourteen kids soon, and are working on getting a group together. Please, don't think I'm forgetting. But it's not the same. I'm sure when you guys were kids you had friends close by. Or at least saw them often. I hardly ever saw my friends outside of school. I didn't enjoy talking to Emily, not because I wanted to get back to the computer, but because I didn't care for anything she was talking about. Nintendogs, her clothes, her friends. That's all I ever heard! One word about me and she either "had to go" or would say okay and start talking about herself again.<br><br> I don't mean that Bella isn't great. Which I know you're thinking "We've done so much and allowed you one dog. You're ungrateful to want two." Or something. I am grateful for Bella. But she doesn't, and never has felt.. mine. Auzzy felt mine from the moment I saw him. After the first week, when he deteriorated in behaviour, only small moments he felt like mine. The rest made me confused, worried, and a little scared. I miss him like heck though. I really loved him. He was better when I took him for walks all the time, but you warned me to slow down a bit so when winter came(though I was planning to do it gradually) he wasn't let down. I worked with agility with him and he was ever improving but I had to stop because he'd trip me and I hit my head on a stump and was scared. He was wonderful at times, but at other times, scared and aggressive. This was not my fault, completely. Bella's a gem. She's had one accident(Mrs. Lisa) and is patient and even tempered. She's somewhat eager to please and a complete love bug. Always wanting to be with you. Playful, but past the puppy stage, and still young. Everything you could want. Right? Well, like I've said before. She's wonderful and I love her. But she's not "mine". Auzzy was more of a one person dog. This sounds really selfish, but I loved it when he favored me over others. I'm the one that put the time and effort into getting a dog(research and emotionally through rejection), he should be mine. Right? Well. It's really hard with Bella rejecting me at times for Brett or Olivia, and then going and accepting me. I've told you this before. You thought I meant I thought it was a mistake getting Bella. No. Not at all. I explained this. I chose her instead of waiting because the kind of dog I wanted and needed was different than the type everyone else needed. I put the family before me. If I had my choice I would have chosen Sampson the basset over Bella. But you wouldn't let me, and I chose not to sulk.<br><br> I'm not trying to make this a sob story. I'm trying to prove to you I am mature. I do many things with Brett and Olivia I don't mention to you. Remember the church service where KidStuff invaded? And they talked about serving in secret. Because it's the satisfaction it gives you, and God. Not the glory of others praising you, that matters. I've been trying to live and work on that. And I'm finally letting some out. Not because I want glory, but to prove this to you. I am not completely selfish. I really do think of others. That's why it hurts me so much when you compare me to Brett. You guys don't know half of it. But I don't care anymore. I'll still try. But it's like the Bible says. It's not what others think of you, but what you think of yourself, and knowing God is proud of you. <br><br> Again, I'm really trying to understand. I really am. But I don't know our financial statistics. I know gas prices are high. I know our gas mileage isn't great. I know we do a lot others can't. But this is really important to me. I'm almost fourteen.. I can then get a job. I will be willing to put most, if not, all my money towards the dog. I will not allow myself to recieve allowance, I will earn money somehow. I can cancel all birthday/Christmas gifts until needed to pay it off. Put the money you'd put into that towards the dog. I want and need a friend, mom and dad. I need someone I can depend on, and I've been let down too many times by people to easily trust as a real friend again. At least for a while. And the next possible animal is a dog. And it's what I found with Auzzy the first week. Trust and loyalty.<br><br> I wouldn't want to rush into this like we did Auzzy. You know, getting the answer and 5 days later getting a dog. I would really want to take my time on this. I don't want to go in there and basically say to the shelter "hit me with the best dogs you got". I want to really know what I'm looking for. We sort of did with Bella. But we didn't end up getting any breed we planned on. And we need to find a breed(s) that work, and stick to it. I'm really trying not to get my hopes up. I'm prepared for a discussion and comprimises and negotiation. But please explain to me with your answers why we can't or certain issues regarding this so I can really understand. I want to understand.<br><br> I know your first question, if even considering it, and this is focused at mom, would be the breed. I really would love something more.. dare I say it, with more energy. Bella is playful at times, but not hyper or high energy. You guys never really understood what hyper was. Hyper isn't like when Auzzy would run on the couch and bite your hand and run to someone else. I don't think we've ever really had a hyper dog. I want high engery. It's a dog getting excited. Overly excited. Think about Brett getting obnoxious. And I only know this about being goofy, but when he was like that, he's hyper. A dog might be pacing, running around, getting excited, or anything. You run them or give them something to do. Like Mrs. Nancy said, A tired dog is a good dog. It's not when they go up and bite you. I just mean that I'd like more to work with. I'm not very motivated to take Bella for a walk because she'd rather sit around the house or lick your hand. Auzzy was glad to get OUT of the house. Bella's smart. But she's not very easy to train. Not in the sense that she's stubborn or slow, but I'll sit down and she'll come over and sit on my lap. It's the way she's been trained since a pup. We had no hand in that. And I'm not retraining that trait. <br><br>Please don't tell this to Mrs. Sandy or Mr. Rob or any friends. Please don't even mention it to me outside of email. I'm embarrassed and feel I'm selfish with this. Just keep it in email, please, and I'll be happy.
Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel
Semper Fi.
Semper Fi.