<span style="font-size:92">Pfft everyone has a chance.<br>&& Thanks for entering!<br>If people want to add to the jackpot that would be great too xD<br>*is excited*<br><br>And everyone make sure to enter your team in <span style="text-decoration:underline">all</span> events as soon as possible ^^; Thanks!</span>
<span style="font-size:92">It doesn't matter the breed ;__;<br>If you enter then you enter if you don't you don't.<br>They will all be in the same events.</span>
I knew it! I came in 5th for every one. The only ones I beat were dogs like beagles, siberian huskies, and german shepherds. <br><br>Anyways, congrats to the winners! Bragging rights for 3!