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My kids (dogs) had fun today :D

edited July 2008 in General Discussion
My mom was off work today, so we went to this hiking place :D We brought the dogs with us and took them for a long hike<br><br>Then we went to a nearby dog park... They'd never been to one before but hey had fun and played nicely with the other dogs :) There was a dalmatian, a golden retriever, and a mix breed that they made friends with. It wasn't crowded, which was good, cause I didn't want them to be overwhelmed their first time.<br><br>It was funny because all 3-4 miles of the hiking trail we walked them on, they were pulling, trying to get away from us and smell things, but as soon as we took them off the leash at the park, they stayed right by us for the first 10 minutes xD<br><br>But yeah, they had fun and got a lot of exercise... they went straight to sleep when we got home, but my mom said we can go again sometime :D
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