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Doodle's Special People :3

<span style="font-size:92">Okay this has been well-needed for awhile now but I just haven’t kicked myself in the butt yet to do it until now xD But finally these people will receive some of the recognition they deserve from me since they have put up with me for so long without a snap. They have dealt with the few mood swings I have had as well as my attitude and many have helped me out in some way or another of course. These people are the closest to me and if I forget someone then please kick me in the stomach until I barf ^^<br><br><span style="font-style:italic"><span style="font-weight:bold">- The Best of the Best -</span></span><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Tarnish:</span> She really is my best of the best. The Cheese to my Mac and my favorite player of this highly addicting game. We both rant about other vents and anything else we can think of to each other. Every time I go in chat she leaps at me causing me to think of a new strange technique to catch her and hopefully get Ru to give us a ten xD We both enjoy anime and have talked about it a few times and recently she even made a giftie color for us. Tarnish in a Ham Sandwich w/ Oodle Doodle Chips xD I think that’s right at least. She is just an amazing player and friend that I can talk to about everything and you are jealous of her hehe.<br><br><span style="font-style:italic"><span style="font-weight:bold">- The Awesome -</span></span><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Ru:</span> She has been an amazing op and has helped me in the past when I needed someone to talk to. I can trust her with certain things that I couldn’t trust other people with. She is never mean to someone unless they are annoying newbies of chat of course. She gave me the nickname Oodles which I love and she is always greeting everyone to chat. She is just awesome and everyone knows that of course.<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Dizz:</span> Another amazing op that I could call my friend. I have talked to her more then any other op I believe and she is special to me. I have been a part of her rp for awhile now and since it’s up and running I will still be in it. It’s fun to talk to her about Oklahoma things as well as things going on with friends and at home as well as the weather. Good luck on finishing your book as well :D <br><span style="font-weight:bold">Kite:</span> Awesome vpian to say the least. Great artist as well as rp player and extra nice person that you can also relate to. She also has a beautiful snake which I am highly jealous of. Everyone to have her as a friend is very very lucky. <br><span style="font-weight:bold">Kyt:</span> Amazing and funny girl that I can definitely relate to. We love to vent as well about other people hehe. And we like to talk about each others pasts once in awhile. She also plays another game that I play and also helps with my adoptables. Another person I trust of course ^^;<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Nickel:</span> Anime lover to the extreme. We sometimes talk about anime but I don’t really talk to her as much as we could xD I do think highly of her and look up to her somewhat. And her anime banners were always kick butt. <br><span style="font-weight:bold">Dreamland:</span> Great rp player of course that was apart of my rp. She pretty much has gotten better and better at it all the time and she is amazingly awesome!<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Tara:</span> Just awesome and nothing really else to say hehe.<br><br><span style="font-style:italic"><span style="font-weight:bold">- Special Thanks -</span></span><br>- All of the ops that keep us in line and keep VP running smoothly. <br>- Nefertete the great creator<br>- Evlon<br>- Mouse<br>- Xae<br>- People I forgot xD</span>


  • Aww Doodle got all mushy on me! xD *leaps at Doodle* I will have to get that dog bred so you can get a puppy. <br><br>You made my day with this after I had a bad conversation with my dad over the phone. Someone about how he has us the day we pick up the puppy and he thinks my mom would want to take us. :roll: <br><br>Anyways, mac and cheese is tasty! Luff you Doodle! You make the game fun! I love our secret rant place :D
  • <span style="font-size:92">*Catches Tarn In A Sock*<br>xD Yes Tarnish is my favorite of course!<br>And aww well I hope you can still go get the puppy yourself. <br>*Pets Little Puppeh*<br>I love our secret "Alien" rant place as well hehe. <br>And Mac and Cheese is tasty *eats*</span>
  • Awwww Doodle <3 Thanks so much *huggles*
  • *Huggles Back* xD Hehe
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