While there is no right or wrong way to protect your art when selling, auctioning, or simply show it off there are a few things I have found to discourage art theft. Please note that nothing in this guide is 100% guaranteed to prevent, but they will discourage theft of your art.<br><br>First off I can never say this enough: Copy Rights, Copy Rights, Copy Rights! The copy right is often represented as ©. Also you can never have enough on or around the art. Take my art gallery for example, you will find at least 3 copy rights on most of my art. My general policy is to physically put my signature on the art itself, type that the image is © to myself, and lastly most websites have a disclaimer that all art is copy right to the artist.<br><br>Next off if you are merely showing off your artistic talents post your art on one of the many online art galleries. Most are free of charge, and have a slew of artist most of which are willing to help you improve your art. This does offer some protection from direct linking, which image hosting sites do not.<br><br>This sounds a bit cruel to the art itself but mar the drawing with either a watermark, copyright or both. Make sure that you slap the thing right over the image as a whole. When dealing with animals it is best that you get the face as well as some have been known to steal only the face o.0<br>The marring is also nice when you have art for sale/auction as the buyer can see the finished image, and you are protected from anyone trying to download and use the art without paying for it. As for myself, when I make line art to sell I like to use a nice bright orange text simply stating ‘Image © Evlon’ Now I know what you’re thinking, ‘No one will buy art like that!’ Well in fact they will. It only shows that you care enough about your art to protect it. I simply save two copies of the art, one with and one without the orange © written all over it.<br><br>As for watermarks these are a bit harder to make if you do not have the right program. GIMP or Photoshop works well. A watermark is simply a semi-transparent copyright somewhere on the image, preferably in an area that would cause the image to be worthless if removed. There are two types of watermarks; both have their advantages and disadvantages.<br><br>The rude water mark as I like to call it is the one I use. It is just my name typed right on top of the drawing mostly in the middle, where removal is impossible. While yes the rude water mark is clear-ish it still distorts the art, and thus is not very kind to your art.<br><br>The quite water mark is unobtrusive to the art, and does not distract from the beauty of your hard work in the least. However because of this they are sometimes easy to remove, or stolen out right water mark and all still on the art.<br>So it’s really up to you which of those you chose to use (if any).<br><br>Also here are a few tips I’ve heard from various sources:<br>Use smaller images, 600x600 pixels is normally good enough, but prints poorly<br>The better you get the more people try to steal your art, keep a watchful eye out (and perhaps even offer reward to those who catch theft) <br>Save your art as a png image, some internet browsers just can’t download that file type.<br>If you have a DeviantART gallery, they have an optional water mark that includes a link to your gallery<br><br>If anyone has anything else that would be helpful to prevent art theft post away
M'kay seems some people want to know how to make a watermark. This is for the 'rude' style only as I don't used a 'quite' watermarks myself.<br><br>In one of the paint programs (GIMP, PhotoSHop, or Paint.net) make a new layer above your art. Use the text tool to type your name over the image on the new layer. Now just adjust the layer with the text to a transparency level between 30%-60% depending on the image.<br><br>A few tips on this:<br>Use black text for mostly white images, and while for dark images. If your drawing is a mix between the two, pick a color that was not used in the drawing for the font color<br>You can move the layer with the text after you have it all ready. This lets you see what it will look like.
Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.
Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.
Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.
"237mill/300mill" "80/100 Gifties"