Well you may have seen my last post about maybe getting a border collie. I am not getting it from the place I posted because the vet didn't think it was a good idea. Instead, the vet gave a the name and website of a breeder here in Ohio. <br><br>My mom and I spent a long time looking up breeders in and around our state to see all our options. We agreed that we would get the puppy from the breeder our vet suggested. Her litter was born on June 18th so we have a long wait. <br><br>I am very excited because I have been asking for a dog for 3 yrs. After bringing it up when my sister left for camp I convinced her in 9 days. <br><br>So we will be able to bring home my new little baby girl around August 13th. We get to see her next week. All we have to make sure is that we get her and put a deposite down. I have a picture from the website.<br><br><img src="
http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc278/Skaitie/pup.jpg" alt="
http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc278/Skaitie/pup.jpg" class="bb-image" /><br><br><img src="
http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc278/Skaitie/pup2.jpg" alt="
http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc278/Skaitie/pup2.jpg" class="bb-image" /><br><br>She is about 1-2 weeks old in these pictures.<br><br>I cant wait to tell my sister when we pick her up from camp. I know she is going to think I'm lying.